Christmas Tree Decorating (What exercise?)



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Apparently people have much easier trees than mine to put up each year if you wouldn't consider it a work out. Mine is a hassle, of course it's also 8 feet tall and 16 years old lol. I wouldn't say putting on ornaments as exercise, but definitely the assembling the tree is here when it is 3 feet taller than you lol. I was gonna count it as cleaning. Seems to match well for any exercise that isn't very strenuous but does take a lot of energy. I have a calorie counter heart monitor and last year is did get my heart rate up about the same as cleaning up each night after my sons. All that bending down and sweeping when you have 2 toddlers every night definitely is a workout, sometimes it takes more than half an hour,a no that's if I don't need to mop lol.

    Time for a new tree. :noway: :flowerforyou:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have a tendancy to be blunt myself so take it or leave it.

    Putting up your Christmas tree logged as exercise? Really?

    Exercise is defined as activity requiring physical effort, carried out esp. to sustain or improve health and fitness.

    You put your Christmas tree up every year even before joining MFP and it didn't help you lose weight or have better health then either....

    It might be different if you walked a mile finding the tree, cut it down with an axe and drug it back to the truck in 3ft of snow using snowshoes but really you picked up a box and carried it upstairs/downstairs. I sweat when I spring/fall clean or mow the lawn in the heat of the summer doesn't mean it's exercise.

    BTW I shovelled my driveway (just the mouth of it) and it took 45mins to clear it out enough to get my car out....I am sore (even tho I lift) and I didn't count it, why because I did that while I was fat too, it didn't make me healthier or skinnier. Mind you I was a lot more sore when I was fat and way out of breath.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    People seem kinda rude about it lol, FYI, I don't usually put this kinda of stuff in, but just to let you know, I am sweating from doing it right now, that's why I was wondering,......... :/
    I usually on put my dog walks and the gym in for exercise, anyways, people are kinda being rude, so I'm just gonna leave it at that :wink:

    Oh, those mean people telling you it's not exercise! :bigsmile:

    Seriously, it's all up to you. If you chose to log, i'd put it under light cleaning, but I'd also cut the time down to account for any error.

    Today at work we had to haul boxes full of files into the hallway, clean our drawers and offices, and move those out to the hallway, because we are getting new carpet put in Thursday and Friday. It was 2 hours of hard work and took lots of energy and, you bet, I did log it as exercise.

    I had to be careful though, because moving boxes came out to 450 or thereabouts calories. I doubt I burned that much, so I finally went for light cleaning which said I burned about 170 an hour. I didn't put in the entire 2 hours, just the one hour to account for any error.

    Normally I do not log anything other than exercise, but today I feel a bit different about it.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Guys, the OP and some other poster deactivated their account. So we have no reason to continue with this thread. I wish we could close it.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Guys, the OP and some other poster deactivated their account. So we have no reason to continue with this thread. I wish we could close it.
    That's it, from now on I'm not responding to a thread until I see if the OP is sill with us. :bigsmile:
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    I have a tendancy to be blunt myself so take it or leave it.

    Putting up your Christmas tree logged as exercise? Really?

    Exercise is defined as activity requiring physical effort, carried out esp. to sustain or improve health and fitness.

    You put your Christmas tree up every year even before joining MFP and it didn't help you lose weight or have better health then either....

    It might be different if you walked a mile finding the tree, cut it down with an axe and drug it back to the truck in 3ft of snow using snowshoes but really you picked up a box and carried it upstairs/downstairs. I sweat when I spring/fall clean or mow the lawn in the heat of the summer doesn't mean it's exercise.

    BTW I shovelled my driveway (just the mouth of it) and it took 45mins to clear it out enough to get my car out....I am sore (even tho I lift) and I didn't count it, why because I did that while I was fat too, it didn't make me healthier or skinnier. Mind you I was a lot more sore when I was fat and way out of breath.

    Well, I went to the gym, ran, biked, etc. for decades off and on without getting skinnier, so I guess by your logic I can't log exercise at the gym, running, or biking as exercise either.

    If it's exercise [burning calories] that isn't accounted for in your basic activity to calculate your calorie goals, why shouldn't you log it?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Guys, the OP and some other poster deactivated their account. So we have no reason to continue with this thread. I wish we could close it.
    That's it, from now on I'm not responding to a thread until I see if the OP is sill with us. :bigsmile:

    Are we supposed to check the status of the OP and all the other posters before we respond? That's going to be pretty time-consuming, especially on a long thread.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    jhc its almost Christmas maybe for exercise you could get off the couch at least 3 days before santa arrives MERRY CHRISTMAS hope you don't miss it
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Guys, the OP and some other poster deactivated their account. So we have no reason to continue with this thread. I wish we could close it.
    That's it, from now on I'm not responding to a thread until I see if the OP is sill with us. :bigsmile:

    Great idea!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Guys, the OP and some other poster deactivated their account. So we have no reason to continue with this thread. I wish we could close it.
    That's it, from now on I'm not responding to a thread until I see if the OP is sill with us. :bigsmile:

    Great idea!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Maybe also check the date of the original post, which in this case was December 2010.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have a tendancy to be blunt myself so take it or leave it.

    Putting up your Christmas tree logged as exercise? Really?

    Exercise is defined as activity requiring physical effort, carried out esp. to sustain or improve health and fitness.

    You put your Christmas tree up every year even before joining MFP and it didn't help you lose weight or have better health then either....

    It might be different if you walked a mile finding the tree, cut it down with an axe and drug it back to the truck in 3ft of snow using snowshoes but really you picked up a box and carried it upstairs/downstairs. I sweat when I spring/fall clean or mow the lawn in the heat of the summer doesn't mean it's exercise.

    BTW I shovelled my driveway (just the mouth of it) and it took 45mins to clear it out enough to get my car out....I am sore (even tho I lift) and I didn't count it, why because I did that while I was fat too, it didn't make me healthier or skinnier. Mind you I was a lot more sore when I was fat and way out of breath.

    Well, I went to the gym, ran, biked, etc. for decades off and on without getting skinnier, so I guess by your logic I can't log exercise at the gym, running, or biking as exercise either.

    If it's exercise [burning calories] that isn't accounted for in your basic activity to calculate your calorie goals, why shouldn't you log it?

    I will respond this poster as they are here...

    My logic said "Exercise is defined as activity requiring physical effort, carried out esp. to sustain or improve health and fitness."

    So the gym, running and biking was done to sustain or improve your health and fitness right???? So my logic applies...

    If you are burning calories that is not account for in your basic activity but it's something you do daily up your "daily activity level" if it's a once a year thing do you really think it was purposeful for health and fitness?

    But let's be realistic if getting groceries and light cleaning burned enough calories to help with health and fitness we wouldn't need sites like this....
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I probably wouldn't even log it but if I did, I'd put in 40 min light cleaning (at most).