I need an MFP family

I feel this is sad, that I have no one in my real life giving me support. My mom's always trying to stuff my face and then gives back handed comments (I love her) my dad is an alcoholic who physically and verbally abused me" you're so fat it could ruin a wet dream" "ain't nobody but a Jamaican like a fat woman." You get the picture both my parents are naturally thin.

On to my super fit husband. He's great I don't know how much money he's spent trying to help me reach my goal, only to lose a few pounds and gain 5lbs back bless him. I can't communicate to him about my weight. In the very beginning of our marriage and baby I found him talking to women online nothing serious but as y'all can see from my parents i'm super fragile. It didn't help that even when I joined a weight loss program and had lost 42lbs and found him cheating online again. I believe that's the day my spirit died I've never been able to get that high back again and I want to so bad.

Now this isn't a post bashing my husband and family but just to give future support system a little history about me. I love my husband and I know we were younger and emotionally I still had growing to do I know I pushed hard sometimes. That man will bloody his hands and knees making it right and I love that about him. Now my parents are a different case I should be in therapy for the rest of my life but it all boils down to forgiveness which I'm working on huuuuuuuump it's work

With all that said I am really ready to make a change I'm tired of being fat and avoiding mirrors, I'm tired of letting the depression. I'm ready to dust that box of small sexy clothes in my closet and put them on, I want to be here for my girls (4 and 11mos).I deserve to be the best me I can be and I am looking for motivational and supportive friends.

Fyi this is my 2nd time back on mfp I stopped logging bc I got pregnant and nursed for 10mos but now I'm back with 50-60lbs to lose and majority of my old friends are either inactive or it's been over 9 mos since last log in so yeah

Thanks for reading


  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    All I'm going to suggest is that you do it for you; nobody else.

    Calorie deficit + exercise = win
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Welcome bsexi88. You are absolutely right, you deserve all of those. Family business aside, don't let ANYONE get to you. I know its easier said than done but try.

    MFP has been a life savor for me, both physically and mentally and I hope you find similar family here. Just go through the forums and participate in discussions and soon you will find like minded people who are supportive to your cause.

    PS. Before diagnosing yourself with depression, make sure you aren't surrounded by A-Holes.
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    Coming from a dysfunctional family does really mean you have been handed a secondary challenge. I will tell you though, that by being able to recognize it for what it is, you've already cleared the biggest hurdle the rest is healing.

    The calorie tracking can be really helpful if you can make a regular part of your life.. A year in It's helps me loose 40 lbs and thats after being overweight most of my adult life. My wife is doing it too and that helps because were both being much more continuous about how and what we cook.

    If you'd like to add me as friend I'll support you in whatever ways I can.