A proposal! Anyone interested in a (UK!) diet buddy/support?

Hey there!

I don't actually use MFP anymore, I'm following Beck's Diet Solution as I struggle with occasional binge eating and want to get in to the right 'mindset' before pursuing any kind of diet.

I've gotten to a chapter in the book that proposes I find a diet buddy. The problem is, I know absolutely no one in my life that I'd feel comfortable asking; I'm actually more comfortable asking a stranger! Of course I have friends, family (and my fiancé!) but honestly, I'd feel pretty silly asking any one of them to be a diet buddy; I doubt they'd take it seriously as I'm not exactly overweight.*

So is there anyone out there that would consider it? By diet buddy, I mean someone whom I could text, e-mail, Skype etc. to talk about my weight loss and any struggles I encounter. In return, I would happily provide the same level of support straight back! Ideally, I'm looking for someone in the UK (so that we could exchange texts without creating a huge phone bill!)

If you want to know a little about me before you consider - I'm a girl - 24, recently engaged and live in the UK (Midlands area).

Thanks : ) Junko

*I'm 5' 6" - 137 lbs. But I don't believe in BMI completely - I am small-boned and carry a good layer of fat around my stomach and legs - my goal weight is somewhere within the region of 120 lbs.


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    You could try cross posting on the Introduce yourself board, just make an mfp friend and use the forum, maybe by private messages

    I would be very wary of giving out personal contact details, there are a lot of wierdos out there

    I am also in UK, and really am old enough to be your grandad
  • _Junko_
    _Junko_ Posts: 13
    You could try cross posting on the Introduce yourself board, just make an mfp friend and use the forum, maybe by private messages

    I would be very wary of giving out personal contact details, there are a lot of wierdos out there

    I am also in UK, and really am old enough to be your grandad

    Good plan! I might well move this over to introductions.

    Thank you for the concern, but I'm wary enough not to give out personal details online. I help to run a website so my phone number is already out there anyway (believe me, I've been contacted by a good few of those weirdos you speak of!) - but I'd never give out my real name, address or anything along those lines. : )