
So I walk everyday. I'm about to start biking but I'm getting really bored. What do I do? I do this thing called gym pact that pays me to exercise. I can't afford a gym and my only option is to walk or bike. I have a free music app. Any suggestions? ?


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Check out exercise videos on YouTube or Fitnessblender (I've never used the latter but see it recommended on here often)

    Search for body weight exercises you can do at home and create our own program. For instance - tricep dips, push-ups, planks, squats, lunges... You can also make weights from gallon jugs - filled completely with water, they will weight about 8 pounds each. Of course you can start by filling them part way if you're not up to lifting that much at first. Use these for bicep curls, shoulder presses, chest presses, etc.

    You can increase the intensity of your walks by adding in running intervals. Walk up and down stairs.