Fitness Bracelets - accuracy & compatibility with MFP

Have been researching and shopping for months now for the best fitness bracelet for me. I borrowed a friend's Body Bugg for a few weeks and the constricting arm wrap is annoying.

Found this article with reviews:,2817,2404445,00.asp

Does anyone have pros/cons? I need one that will sync with MFP for food tracking. That's very important!

Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    If you go to the apps page here, you'll see which ones synch with MFP. I know Fitbit and Jawbones do, not sure what else.

    My suggestion is whatever you decide on, buy it from an authorized reseller, not ebay. Odds are excellent you'll need a return or support for it.