Fight is On! Battle of the Bulge!

Had surgery about a year ago and put on about 20 pounds due to inactivity and (gasp!) age. At least, that's what I'm telling myself. Time to take control and get back to feeling good. This time seems tougher but I'm not down yet. Looking forward to helping other warriors fighting this battle and achieving success! Let's do this!

My toughest time is the evening when I wind down and relax with Elizabeth Taylor/Richard Burton/Glenn Ford and/or any other old movie star that may be on TV and want/desire/long for something to eat. Anyone else? I've tried drinking water and may try some tea.

As you can guess, I'm getting older and I don't want to risk my health, as well as my soon-to-come retirement, with health issues I'm sure to have if I continue on this weight-gaining path.

Any help, suggestion, conversations, motivation would be greatly appreciated and reciprocated.

J De


  • Tlbrind
    Tlbrind Posts: 4 Member
    I just started back on here yesterday. I to have a tough time in evenings as well. I get home from work at 9:30 and the first thing I do is have something to eat. Usually leftovers from dinner that everyone else has had. I know a lot of my evening eating has become a habit and could use some suggestions and support to help with this. I have even tried to save calories from during the day so I can stay with in my daily goals, but I think this is just encouraging me to continue eating at night.
  • Hello. Sometimes I get home late at night, too. I work two jobs, one full time and one part-time. The part-time is at a grocery store so holy moly, do I ever get hungry watching all that food I check out! I will be retiring from my full time job in a few years, so I don't want overweight and bad health to ruin what I have left. Maybe we could encourage each other.

    I find this battle tougher as I get older, maybe because I don't do as many exciting things anymore and that dark chocolate candy bar or big bag of cashews excites the hell outta me! Well, I'm around if you'd like to egg each other on. Good luck to both of us!
  • Tlbrind
    Tlbrind Posts: 4 Member
    I would like that. I could use some egging on. I am at my heaviest I've ever been at and am finding it hard to even get motivated to go for a walk. My energy level is way down. For me it's chips and ice cream. Last night I did well until my son got home from work and make himself dinner. I ended up eating fried chicken at pm. But I'm going to look at the positive side and at least I didn't eat as soon as I walked in the door and today is another day.
  • Tlbrind
    Tlbrind Posts: 4 Member
    I remember reading in a diet book that if you are craving something sweet in the evening to have grapes. There suppose to be sweet enough to help with your sugar cravings.
  • I snacked on grapes while watching a movie in the evening yesterday. Popped them in the fridge so they were nice and cold when the movie started (The Taming of the Shrew with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton). Also think raw carrots can be sweet and crunchy. I suppose if we took the time and made the effort, there are options. I'm with you. Sometimes, I'm too tired and the temptation is too strong. But you're correct. Let's look at the positive and make baby steps toward success. I'm around for a while. Go back to my full time position Thursday (high school) and working a few evenings later this week at my part time position (grocery store). We can do this!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I learned recently that a sweet craving is associated with a lack of protein. Try upping your proteins during the day and it might reduce the sweet craving at night.

    As far as boredom eating, I find that if I keep my hands busy I lose interest in wanting to get up and get something to eat. I taken to crocheting in the evening instead of eating. LOL.
  • MissMariahLee
    MissMariahLee Posts: 55 Member
    I used to always have problems eating at night too because I worked late and would usually pick up fast food on my way home.:ohwell: Now whenever I get hungry at night I chug some water and go to bed. I finally got to the point that I was at my heaviest and tired of how I looked and started seeing a dietician. Didn't really take it seriously. So in May of this year I had lap band surgery and it has been the BEST decision I ever made. It has forced me to make healthier decisions because I don't want a surgery to go to waste. Not expecting you to get surgery by any means...just telling my story:happy: I have been on a grape binge lately. They help satisfy my sweet tooth. I also like to snack on baby carrots and dip them in guacamole. Also, yogurt with granola in it is another snack I enjoy. Sometimes I get a huge craving for ice cream so I just get a small vanilla cone from Dairy Queen. Not the greatest but not the worst either. Good luck in your weight loss journey...I believe you can do it!
  • Vivianna777
    Vivianna777 Posts: 10 Member
    Interesting thought about the protein; since I've started on MFP, tracking my intake, I noticed that I was not getting nearly enough protein in my diet. I went and bought a low cal protein powder to help supplement. I drink it after lunch (around 2pm, since this is when I found I was the most hungry). What a huge difference!!!! I'm not ravenous when I get home, I can actually make supper without snacking and I've found over the last month, I'm not craving much of anything anymore. I'm much more satisfied and don't feel nearly as hungry as I used too.
    Also, I found that one of my snacking times was in the evening, once my kids were in bed and I could wind down. I found (as did Micheleld73) that keeping my hands busy was what I needed to do...funnily enough, I started crocheting as well!!!!
    Good luck!
  • Unfortunately, I'm not very artistic and could never master the fine art of crocheting and/or knitting. I try to read but that hasn't worked too well. Any other suggestions? Appreciated.
  • Tlbrind
    Tlbrind Posts: 4 Member
    I asked my doctor about surgery and there is a 3 year waiting list here just for the appointment.
  • What kind of surgery were you asking your doctor about? I would never go under the knife unless it was life threatening. The surgery I had was for torn muscle and tendons in my right shoulder. The recovery pain was almost as bad as the pain I had for months leading up to the surgery. It wasn't just the horrible pain that drove me to surgery. It was the inability to sleep because of the pain. When your days and nights are torturous, you are compelled to do something.
  • MissMariahLee
    MissMariahLee Posts: 55 Member
    I asked my doctor about surgery and there is a 3 year waiting list here just for the appointment.

    Holy!!! That is ridiculous!