Need a Coach and Mentor! Need Goals

tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
I am currently 195 lbs. Hubby and I are going to start trying for Baby #2 very soon. However, I need to lose weight!!! I am hoping to lose weight by December. I need someone who's lost ALOT of weight (50 pounds or more in 4 months or less)... Maybe I'm asking for too much but I am really determined to get this weight off before I go and get preggers.

Asking for a "goal outline" (how much I should weigh at certain points of time ( I need dates! )
As well as Exercise Goals.
I also need someone to keep on me about how I am progressing.

"Why don't you do this yourself?" you ask?? Because I failed before when I set my own goals. I need to be committed to someone other than just myself to push me harder than I would push for myself. Yes, it's a real problem I know, but it has always worked before with someone checking in on me and when I have to tell someone "oh, I gained...." I push myself harder. If I tell myself, I say, "I'll get there one day...." and that day never gets here.

Who's up for the TiffyPooh2u Challenge?!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

HELP!:sad: :sad:


  • Darton2010
    Darton2010 Posts: 137 Member
    First off weight loss on a fast pace is dangerous, you can do major organ damage if you loose too fast, no more than 2-3lbs per week, most doctors recomend no more than 1-2lbs a week. That being said I have been heavy all my life and the only thing that helped me loose so much so far is a complete lifestyle change! No more processed foods just natural meats, veggies and limited fruit, I have a very slow metabolism so I played with my daily net intake for awhile untill I settled at 1400 calories per day, for most women this is a low daily caloric intake but I maintain at around 1880 which will be my goal when I hit my goal weight. I will say this now, its not going to happen for you unless you decide to make a lifestyle change, I can share what I do but what I do and what a post and pre mother should do is I would assume not even close, your diet and exercise csn play a big role how furtial your eggs are and can play a role on menstral cycles ext. My advise to you is see a dietician, they can tell you what foods to eat and what foods to avoid so you and your child can be perfectly healthy, same goes for your husband, his diet plays a huge role on how stong his sperm is, many couples that have a problem with having a child a simple diet change and supplements is all it takes for a healthy child. Whatever you choose keep in mind your health and the future health of your future child, labor is very hard on both systems already but to weaken one or both bodies because of a diet change is pretty silly, get informed and see a dietition to get the best possible game plan for a healther looking you a stong healthy child.