It was worth it. Totally

The Little Ceasar Pizza I had for lunch was well worth the calories etc. Not something I want to do daily but I do have 1 slice left after this

I really love this MFP .:love: I just started week 3 on Saturday and it is so different and freeing from what I'm used to.. I'm in myfitnesspal heaven. Have a great week everyone!!

Little Ceasers - 3 Meat Treat, 197.34 g (slice) 486 calories


  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    I feel exactly the same way about the red velvet cupcake I had the other day. It was approximately eleven million calories by the time the giant mound of cream cheese frosting was factored in, but it was worth every single one. Occasional little indulgences like this make life all the more enjoyable and keep me sane.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I feel the same way about my cup of Ben and Jerry's s'mores ice cream-580 calories but well within my budget!