YouTube Fitness Video Suggestions

VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member

I'm looking for suggestions on YouTube videos I could try out... I'm getting a bit bored with Jillian Michaels (not because they're not good, but I just feel like I need a change in "atmosphere").

Can you guys give me some suggestions?

I'm looking for videos that are 25 - 45 minutes long, don't take up much space and don't need anything more than 5lb or 10lb dumbbells since that's what I have available right now. I'll have a chin-up bar after Wednesday. I'm looking for videos that can be classified as circuit training in the MFP thing unless they're special enough to actually have their own entry! I assume most workout videos will be cardio in the majority, but I'm up for whatever! I don't have any injuries or anything preventing me from doing certain exercises. I do tend to hate doing ab work, but that just means that I need to do more of it (since its something I find difficult).

I'm hoping to have a few more options so that if I have one of those days where I wasn't able to get other exercise in, I can just do one of these quickly before bed or something.

Videos I've done in the past:
Jillian Michaels:
- 30 Day Shred
- Killer Buns and Thighs
- Boost Metabolism

Oh, and dancing based videos probably would not be my preference. But I might give them a try in case I'm wrong. I just... dancing... you know?


(Edit for grammar, spelling and just plain using the wrong words)


  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    Fitness Blender
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Whoa! Awesome. That's perfect... I can just choose so easily. Hoping I can search these out on my PS3 haha.