Can't do a squat properly



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I'm just doing a regular squat for now. No machines, no dumbbells, no medicine ball, etc. I really want to make sure my form is perfect before adding any weights. Without a trainer or friend there, I will have to video tape myself and compare with other videos I can find online!

    If you're just on body weight squats, that might be why you are not sore. I'm new to lifting (1 month in) and I find that I have to go up on my squat weight pretty rapidly in order to continually feel "sore" from the squats (at least 5 lbs or more per week). A lack of soreness does not mean that your muscles are not growing; muscles can grow without micro tearing, although some people say that they grow more rapidly with a certain amount of tearing (which is what creates the soreness). Too much tearing is over training, so there's some happy medium there.

    With that in mind, you can still train without getting sore - By way of example; eventually I will not be able to increase my squat weight because of other limitations (for example, how much I can lift with my arms or back), but I will still train the muscle, whether or not it gets sore, and it will still grow, although likely not as rapidly as before.

    If you like the soreness (some people do; I do, even though I know it's not necessary), you can try switching up your workout (a new exercise is more likely to produce soreness), or add some weights (start slow; going too heavy will just create injuries).

    this thing will change your life:


    squat rack baby!