5:2 and insanity

Hya I've been doing 5:2 for about a month fell off the wagon a couple of times on the way but slowly getting there. I've just completed week 2 of insanity and wondered if anyone else is doing the same. Need some exersise and diet buddies in the same boat!


  • 123Allyxox
    123Allyxox Posts: 112 Member
    I'm not doing insanity currently, but I have done it before:) I'm doing PIYO right now but want to do a piyo insanity, or piyo t-25 hybrid when I'm done. Not exactly in the same boat but feel free to add me!
  • clamoru
    clamoru Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I am doing Insanity, week 2 now. Is not easy find the motivation each day for do the routine, but I am trying to do my best, the first week was hard...the diet was killing me, but now I drink a lot of water before each meal and I am trying to survive...lol.. What are you doing about the diet ??
  • nicoletteamber
    nicoletteamber Posts: 57 Member
    Hey! I just started week 2 of insanity. I got some crappy virus so I haven't been eating enough calories. Are you guys sticking to the inanity diet plan? I'm just trying to figure out something that works... protein shakes, egg whites, greek yogurt, chicken, tuna, etc. Drinking a tonnn of water!
  • I just started insanity yesterday and think I'm going to need a lot of help to keep motivated on this! I haven't looked at the diet plan but was following fitness pals 1200 calorie advice for losing some weight...is this too little while on insanity? I saw the 5 meals a day and the amount of prep I would need...I don't eat breakfast at all at present and not sure that will agree with me.

    Advice welcome please!
  • clamoru
    clamoru Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks, I will add some tuna at my diet... I have sweet cravings... do you know about some substitute ?? I was thinking on light gelatin. I am not sticking to the meal plan, but I am trying to eat 1400 calories per day. So far I spend more part of day hungry , because my metabolism have changed since I started Insanity. But today I started to see some results, I have 1 pound less. I know is not too much, but I am just in the second week.