Need some support and new friends

Hi everyone.

I am not that new to this site. I have been on it for about 4 months. The first 3 months were great, I lost 15 lbs. But I went thru alot of struggles in the past month, and gained it all back. Im so upset and mad at myself. It was the first time I ever lost 15 lbs like that on my own and was so proud of my work. Now I feel like a blob again. All the new clothes I bought are tight and I hate how I just looked in them. Not to mention, now thats it freezing outside, there goes my walks at night like I used to. Im not for walking or exercising in the cold. So I need some extra support, friends and encouragement. Alot of the friends I made have not been on here in over a month either so it looks like its not just me getting side tracked.

Thanks for reading


  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Hi and welcome back. I understand losing weight and gaining ti back. I once lost about 25lbs and gained it all back and added another am currently trying to lose 80 pounds and have lost 4 so far. Dont worry girl you can do it. Keep that at the front of your mind daily.:flowerforyou:
  • pursuinghappiness
    Hi! I would love to be your friend! I feel that half of the battle we are fighting is our mentality of losing the weight and being healthy. Try not to beat your self up over gaining the weight back. Try to find the positives. I understand about the whole trial thingy. I'm fighting the urge as I type this to eat emotionally!! I hope I can be of help :)
  • sevangelista
    I think the most important thing is you are back. No point in beating yourself up. Take it a day at a time and make caring about what you eat and how you feel the goal...not losing weight. You care about what you eat and you care about how you feel so you are already winning the battle
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    Welcome (back)! I'm going to send you a friend request :)
  • WonderNoodle
    Well you stuck around so GOOD FOR YOU! You did it. You know how to do it. GO DO IT! There's nothing more than that to say. It takes your effort for your results. Be proud of yourself despite the weight gain. Your life is not defined by your "number". It's defined by your actions, your heart.

    I'm assuming those precious kiddos in your ticker are your children. THEY define you :smooched:

    Go! Go! Go!
  • Burtonrah
    I'm just going to say ditto to what you've said and agree with everyone here. Just take it one day at a time, celebrate the victories and learn from the mistakes. You got this girl!
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    First of all, welcome back. That's a very positive step reaching out and asking for help. I don't think that your story is a foreign one to most of us here, we've all lost weight and gained it all back and then some. I think, at least for me, that the hardest part of this journey is the mental part. We get hit with some rough patches in life, and almost naturally, the first thing to go is health. We then start coming up with excuses and "Just one time won't hurt", then one time turns in to 10, and soon it's out of control. For me, I've had to put myself in the frame of mind of - this is the end of the line, and no more excuses. For me, I need to take the all or nothing mentality and not allow myself the "just this time" excuse. My advice to you is to get back on the horse and take it one day at a time. Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and lifesyle changes do not happen overnight. Good luck! I sent you a friend request.
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    Yes those are my babies.....A huge reason I want to succeed. Thanks for the support. Im already starting to feel better and more hopeful :smile:
  • anawigela
    if you are back, you are still going! you need to concentrate on the fact you CAN do it, you HAVE done it and you WILL do it again!
    Remember how those clothes felt, and know that you are going back there, now!
    No excuses, no matter what, you deserve to feel good, you need to look after yourself so you can give the very best to your family!
    It's just a lifestyle not a diet, i'm a yo yo'er, i know that i stop doing all my hard work when i get to my goal, and very quickly put it all back on plus some, this time i'm on a lifestyle change, it's forever, and i put me first (for the first time in my life) and let the things that don't matter slide...
    keep going, you can do it :)