What did you do with your clothes?

A lot of my clothes don't fit..they used to, and they will again as I keep losing, but I need some suggestions about what to do in the meantime...I don't have enough space to keep everything in my closet (finally reorganizing my stuff) between the stuff that fits now and the stuff that I can't wait to get back into, so do I put the smaller stuff in storage containers and periodically try them back on as I go on? (Like set aside a day a month/two months to go through them?) or simply donate the majority in a purge and only keep a few save-forevers? -- I should note that I haven't done a huge clothing purge in a few years, and I turn 25 next month - just finished university in May and so entering the professional world. Complicated question, I know... any input would be appreciated :)


  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    I would keep whatever you would like to wear again. Organize them by sizes so it's easier to know what you might fit in to soon. Can you get some of those vacuum bags that would compress them down a lot?

    I just recently fit back in to all of my old clothes, although I didn't save as many as I should have. Was like xmas in july!
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Don't purge your closet right now.

    Store the stuff that's too small - sorted by size. When your current clothes feel too loose, move to your next size.

    Purge after you're working for a number of months and have *totally* gotten the hang of what you'll want for work - including more/less casual days and any ghodforbid outside-the-office events.

    ETA: as you're now entering the professional world, you'll probably also start noticing how your past style habits mesh with your new budget. Are you a "new every season" female, or do you prefer clothing that doesn't scream "Fall, 3 years ago"? Your older/smaller stuff can be a huge help in figuring out how you want to move forward.
  • bergpa
    bergpa Posts: 148 Member
    That's basically what I have done. I divide mine by season and then by size. It is rewarding to go through my bins and find clothes that fit again. If an item is close to fitting, I'll put it on top of the bins and then try it on again in a couple of weeks.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Anything too big--send to Goodwill. Anything you need now--get it at Goodwill.No need to spend $$$ on clothes while you're still losing weight. Keep your small clothes and try them on every few months or so to see if they fit again.
  • WreckaRed
    WreckaRed Posts: 116 Member
    Keep some of the things that are too small! I wish I had because 99% of my wardrobe is too big now! American Eagle does have jeans for $30, I just ordered a pair to tide me over till I drop another size. Otherwise, consignment and thrift stores, or Old Navy, are your friend.
  • Bostonsoul
    Bostonsoul Posts: 151 Member
    My old shirts are providing shelter for refugees in the Sudan.
  • Knezzy
    Knezzy Posts: 1 Member
    I used them to stuff a punching bag that i then used for boxing workouts!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    Sold a few of the $150 designer jeans (for a fraction of their cost) at the Swap Meet then donated the remaining clothing that was sizes 6-18... holding on to a few size 2 and 4 just in case something goes wrong with my health or maintenance plan and I gain a few pounds (currently wear size 0).

    Goodwill is linked to Turbo Tax and because Goodwill charges a premium, they give the best tax break. :smile:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    How old are these too small items? How attached are you to them? Were they expensive when you bought them? How well do they fit your right-now style?

    I am the last person to condone trashing perfectly good clothes, but if some or all of this stuff is from more than 3-5 years ago, not super high quality, and you aren't really all that into it...I'd be more likely to donate/sell the majority of it and just keep the BEST items for when you fit into them. If your budget allows, I think you will be WAY happier buying a small amount of new styles (even if that means clearance racks and secondhand) instead of going back to old clothes. Also, if you just have say 20-30 items of too small clothing from the past, instead of a couple hundred that it sounds like you have...it will be less of a hassle/ordeal to try them on when you're smaller and see what fits.

    Just my opinion...and I don't really know because I was basically a size 22 for 20+ years and then went to a 12 so anything I would have had from the last time I was in a 12 would have been from middle school. Not gonna work at age 37. hehe Similarly though, I did once get into size 18 when I was in my mid 20's around 2004 and even thinking about that...yeah no...do not need a velour hoodie or any embellished Seven jeans from Lane Bryant. Ever.

    Good luck!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I gave them all to charity and used it as a tax write off.
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    I just re-organized my closet as well. I put all of my clothes that were too big in bins separated into work wear and casual wear. I am going to hold on to them for a while until I have sustained my weight loss for at least a year.

    I also pulled out the few things I saved for when I lose weight to take inventory. Luckily I have fews pieces that can tie me over until I reach my goal weight. I will need to add a few pairs of pants because none of my work pants fit anymore and I only saved two pair from when I was smaller. Hopefully I can go on a nice shopping spree for Christmas!

    I will say its a good problem to have!! :)
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I dont really have much that doesn't fit too small wise...I have a pair of 10 year old jeans, and a khaki skirt. Otherwise I have no clothes to wear at goal. Guess I will have to run around naked...lol...scary thought...

    I cant wait to send my existing wardrobe to value village.