Starting Out questions w/ Macros

Hello all!

I'm a bit new to the MFP site and app. But I've been exercising since Mid may and approaching my 3rd month. I knew I wanted to lose weight (and have) but then I figure that my nutrition could use work. With the suggestion from a friend a diet article she lent me I decided to come on here and seek advice / help. While this is all still new to me, I'd say I roughly understand it and it is my first week starting out counting macros.

The guide she sent me was pretty much a tutorial and I used the formula to calculate my macro and I did adjust it to the MFP app accordingly.

My question is probably basic and simple, but I have no pride since I know nothing -- but anyways, so the more I workout / exercise is it common for my Protein, Fats & Carbs to change? I understand that when I add a workout my daily calorie intake (remaining) can go up, The numbers basically just fluctuates and I can kind of see why carbs would go up, but does that make my initial calculation incorrect? Or are those just the standard set for a day I hypothetically don't exercise? And if my Protein, Carbs & Fat goes up as I do exercise, is there a better way to hit the target #?

Keep in mind this is my first week trying macros. Below is a detailed description / more background of me. I appreciate any and all help!

So since summer started (May 16) I've been trying to keep myself active as much as possible. In the beginning it was hard and I needed to recover, but now my body is adjusting accordingly. I am doing BJJ 5 out of 7 days, sometimes getting in 2 sessions on Mondays, and doing Muay thai Tues & Weds. & Thurs. (It wasn't always like this but this is where I am at now).

I don't know if it makes a difference but I am also biking to the place which is roughly 15 - 20 mins and I think it's safe to say that out of the 5 days (M - F) I go, I am getting at least 2 workout sessions (50 - 60 minutes) either back to back or later in the day.
As far as my body feels, it feels normal. Definitely weighed about 200lbs. in the beginning and lost 10lb and I am stabilizing at 190lbs.

Far as nutrition goes at the moment, the major change I made was cutting out soda (and it feels great! btw I used to be really bad with it). Water, juices (OJ, AJ), and even Milk and chocolate milk been my alternatives. Mainly water.
I avoid process food when I can but every now and then I eat it -- but in controlled portions. I even found that when I go to say Mcdonalds what I used to eat / get all the time when I didn't care about health isn't appealing to me.

I eat normal times if its worth anything nothing past 11pm. or 9 for that matter. If I do it's not a big meal. I try to make sure I get hit my daily calorie and am not short of it.

Oh which reminds me one more thing -- if it's a choice between either hitting your macros correctly or your daily caloric intake it's better to hit the latter right?

Umm that's pretty much all I have. Learning how to cook on the side. I forgot to mention my goal but I wanted to reach 160 by May. If anything I'll settle for 170 too.
Lastly, my macro set up was:
160g Protein
160g Carbs
96g Fat.

But when I add exercise to the app that I've done for the day / throughout the day it tends to fluctuates as in going a bit higher.

New to counting macros. Exercising increases the #s I have left, how do I hit them without going over or under? Since they seem to change.

Thank you for your time !!


  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member

    Not laughing at you. SO many of us have been there!

    MFP handles macros as a percentage. Meaning that if you log a workout (and you should!), the grams change (as you noticed!).

    There are MANY *reasonable* approaches for how to handle that. ONE approach is to figure out your protein macro number (a common # is 0.8g to 1g protein for each pound of LEAN body mass).

    "Know" that number - I think mine is currently 107g for protein. When my workout calories kick that up to say 150g, I just make *sure* I eat at LEAST 107. I do make an honest effort to eat back my workout calories so that my pie chart %s are *fairly* on target. That means on my big workout day my protein might be 135 to 145g -- but my bottom line is to not be too obsessive as long as I got in at least the minimum 107g.

    Protein is a popular macro to focus on because a lot of folks have trouble achieving it. For me, the carb/fat macros happen pretty naturally if I'm on-target with protein. Others have different experiences, so see what works for you.

    All that said, there are definitely people who feel you should always eat according to your macro %s, no matter how the # of grams increases due to workouts. I've certainly seen lots of success stories with that method too. Choose what works for you, and know that you can always make adjustments as you go along.

  • Bayani1091
    Bayani1091 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much!!

    Yeah Day 2 wasn't too bad. Proteins def hard to hit. Always tomorrow