Any Help Appreciated!


My name is MaryMargarette, and I have gained about 100 pounds in the last two years. I fell one day early in the morning, and broke both my legs and cracked 2 discs in my back. Prior to that I had been in the best shape o f my life. I was 145pds @ 5'7 and 45yrs old. I boxed 3 times a week swam every other day, and did weights 3 times a week. I was on a roll.

Then after the fall, my thyroid went out and I was diagnosed with Fybromaylgia, and on every pain, muscle relaxer, and depression pill on the market. My pain was a 10! And other than laying down the only thing I found pleasure in was Eating.

I've since had surgery on both my legs, and recovery was brutal. Its six months out, and I need to loose at least 50 pds before my back fusion. Anyone with any ideas , I am all ears!


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Just commit to logging ALL your food and drink. If you do that consistently and honestly, you'll start to realize how much you're eating and will make different choices. If you're looking for a quicker route, then log honestly and accurately and start eating at a calorie deficit NOW, rather than waiting for realization to hit. :) You don't have to exercise to lose weight. Eat at a deficit for that - exercise is for fitness, which it sounds like you'll be in a much better place for once you have your surgery. Good luck, honey.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Wow, you have been through a lot! Here's to hoping that you are able to recover quickly! I would love to help encourage you! Add me!