SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...wk of Dec. 6



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Boo to the cough, Mary. Unfairs!

    The plan today is to sleep in (I wasn't aware that was the plan, but my body was) then to get an hour of editing in before cleaning the apartment a bit before the trainer comes at 1:30. Plan is weights and boxing.

    Then, it's date night (it's been way too long for this...everybody's been either busy or crazy lately).

    And, that seems like enough.

    Enough, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Mary, boo to the cough! So sorry. I hope it goes away quickly! Temple Grandin is a good movie. We could kind of relate to it because of Alex although he's not that severe and he's a lot more soft spoken than she is. But the sensory overload things are similar to what he deals with I think.
    V, glad you got some much needed sleep. That's usually what my body wants after a migraine. Date night sounds fun. I really want to go see the Narnia movie but I want to wait a few days so it's not as busy. I don't like crowds. Hope you have a good time!

    Well it's 3pm and I just got back from Bible Study and unplanned lunch with a friend. And I have a headache. :( My motivation to walk on the treadmill is way down but my calorie intake is really high so I need to. So I am going to do that right now and work on my Russian at the same time. I'm getting rusty. I was trying to think how to say "How are you?" in Russian and I said, "What time do you close?" instead. Yeah, a little rusty. :laugh:

    Walking and talking boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, I'm up too early. Weird farmer sleep schedule...I'm trying to embrace it, but it feels weird to be in bed sound asleep by 9 pm and up by three or four.

    Yesterday, I boxed! And, my shoulder/neck is/are not sore today. Awesome! Also, I was impressed with my endurance levels. I went for 45 minutes of pad-hitting and evil drills (sample: 20 burpees, 20 punches for speed/ten pushups, 20 punches for power/twenty jumping jacks, 20 punches for speed/20 mountain climbers, 20 punches for speed/one minute rest...repeat entire sequence four times while praying for the sweet release that death might bring.) Oy. I'm waiting to see if muscle soreness hits later today.

    Today, I'm aiming to walk if the cold isn't too much, but after an hour of editing later, other than that it's a day off. I might even go to the movies. I'm trying to go to the movies more, as I've discovered it's the best way to shut my brain off. Watching them at home isn't working anymore to do that.

    Brain off, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Well, V, I did the opposite of you and slept in this morning. It was nice after being up in the night with an upset stomach. :frown: Alex's stomach has been upset too. We both ate the same thing at lunch yesterday. He says he's okay this morning and I feel better too.
    I did not get on the treadmill yesterday. I have lots of excuses but I just didn't do it. I did have a headache so that is one of the excuses. So I am going to straighten up my messy downstairs and then get on the treadmill. I have to! We have a birthday party at one and she's serving gluten free cake so Alex can have some. She's a great friend.
    I don't have plans for the rest of the afternoon. Probably finish trying to get a Christmas list budgeted. I have about 10 people to buy for with about $150. I think I will try to talk my mom into name exchange next year because we may have another brother in law and more kids. It's just getting too big to buy for everyone. I am making cookies as gifts for a couple of family members. Hopefully they will be okay with that. I am also thinking about making snowglobes and a picture frame (out of buttons) for other members. Anyway, rambling.
    I'm going to get to work on the house while I'm motivated and then get on the TR. Have a great weekend all!
    Two weeks till Christmas! :noway: boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Walked on the TR for an hour. Got a blister on my foot. :tongue: I need to start pushing myself again instead of just doing what I know I can do. So I walked faster and longer. It didn't kill me. Practicing Russian while walking helps and kills two birds with one stone. :wink:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Back from Dallas - got two walks in. I feel better when I walk - especially after a 3 hour lunch! The luncheon was for my Grandmother's (in-law) 90th birthday. She's starting yoga - can you imagine?

    90th Birthday, boogaloo!
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    Not a bad week I think, some glimmers of hope. Measured and found I've lost 5 inches off my waist since Oct. I've not weighed myself in almost a month and I don't plan to, until I really feel a change in my body. There's too much emotional pain attached to the number.
    Have gone to a 6 small meals model and am finding it easier to manage my intake. Trying to get a bit more veggies in as usual. Will start having my green monsters again starting monday I think...don't know why I drifted away from them. Feeling a bit sad tonight cuz my guy is leaving for a month on the ski slopes in Vancouver. So it will be a lot of soul searching time, exercise and study while he is away.
    Got on my bike today and felt good...need to find a pair of gloves that have a good grip. Was looking at Pilates videos on youtube..interesting stuff, wondering if I can manage without the kneeling parts. Maybe a home DVD is the way to go first.

    Boogalooing into Sunday.
    Be well everyone!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Goal of the day: stop eating wheat. A bad few carb-y days and I feel bleh. (the weather is really not helping my cause here, either.) Also, special lady time is here, and I feel like an overstuffed sausage of water retention. So not pleasant. The other goal today is to drink lots of water and try to move some of the excess water out.

    In other news, zumba at noon, followed by editing (finished a draft of the other project, so December academic/professional goals met! hoopah!) and then some quietness, lean protein and vegetables. I'm really going to try to keep both wheat and sugar in check over the next ten days, because I know Christmas is a couple days of indulgence.

    I have some pilates DVDs you could have, SJ. I'll double check to make sure that I still have them. They hurt my neck, but that's just my neck/shoulder weirdness.

    lean protein, veggies and fruit, boogaloo.:flowerforyou: (if it's so simple, why don't I just always do it?)
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    My goal is to get yoga and a walk in. There's an arm balance workshop from 2-4, but alas, I cannot go because silly husband committed us to go see some live music - some rock band performing Swan Lake or some such. I know, I'm an infidel to not like live loud music.

    I also need to organize my week and begin work on my paper for yoga school.

    Yoga school, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Quick post.
    I am about to go window shopping with a friend, so that's my walking for the day. I also stayed pretty active in the nursery this morning. After all the kids were picked up I just wanted to lay down and take a nap. I seriously felt like someone dropped a sleepy bomb on me while I was cleaning up the toys. I haven't felt that great today (upset tummy, AF started, and sinus problems), so I guess that's why it hit me all of the sudden. I laid down but couldn't sleep. I'm glad my friend is driving. :tongue:
    Busy week ahead and the following week will be even busier! Crazy holidays! :wink:
    My house is a mess. I keep saying I'm going to clean it and I don't. I really need to get it done.
    Alex just played We Three Kings on the keyboard by ear! He heard Steve singing it and he got on the keyboard and started playing it! He knew the first two lines from us showing him but he picked up the rest just by listening! He is amazing! I love my son! :bigsmile: I am truly blessed and I praise God for him.
    Off to shop till I drop, which really shouldn't take long!

    I want caffeine boogaloo!
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