New and looking for support from similar

Hi all,

I've been on the site previously but have never stuck to it. This time I would really like it to be different so I want to do it right from the beginning and hopefully find a good support system going through the same weight loss journey or that have gone through the same journey. I would like to find girls with similar stats if possible and to exchange food and fitness tips.

A little about me now. My name is Danielle and I am 25 years old from New York. I am 5ft and weigh about 230 lbs. In high school I weighed 160 lbs and all of the sudden summer before college and first semester I shot up to 200 lbs. I think throughout first semester the weight slowly kept creeping up until I reached 230. I was at my highest end of 2013/beginning when I reached up to 245 lbs. I've never owned a scale so I don't check often but I knew I'd gained weight when my size 16 dress pants no longer fit and I had to start buying size 18 and even those became snug for a little. I spent a month and a half backpacking South America which entailed LOTS and LOTS of walking like the 3 hour 10km walk on the inca trail to Machu Pichu, climbing up and down 2400 stairs total to reach the top of Machu Pichu, among just the regular day to day walking. All of that constant activity paired with natural healthier eater attributed to my 15 lbs weight loss. Currently I'm about 228-230 fluctuating so I just rounded up.

I have set a short term goal weight loss of 60 lbs for May-- any thoughts on if this is healthy/attainable? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add me I know that having someone(s) to be accountable to and the support will truly make all of the difference if I for once actually want to be serious about getting healthy and in shape.

Thank you for reading :)!


  • babyphat2012
    babyphat2012 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi:) how are you? My name is Lashawn and please add me. I love to encourage and motivate others. I read in your description that you want some motivation. Its easy to succeed in weight loss when you have the support. Im starting a support and fitness group. Are you interested in joining? You will definitely lose weight and get the motivation you deserve. Add me so we can talk more about it:)
  • Aplaz928
    Aplaz928 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Danielle. My name is Aaron, from Buffalo and I'm 22, NY. I know too well what you are going through. I was always kind of a big guy growing up. in high school I weighed about 220, but as soon as college started, I started to rapidly gain weight. Eventually I wound up weighing in at about 345lbs... I managed to get myself down to about 290, but I'm nowhere near where I want to be. I think with the right dedication, you absolutely can lose 60 by May :) I'm hoping to lose 100lbs by the end of the year, which is a bit insane, but I'm hoping that by making connections on this site, it will be much easier to keep motivated to our goals :D
  • focused4health
    focused4health Posts: 154 Member
    :blushing: Certainly is attainable. Esp. as you obviously love trekking. Go for it young lady. :bigsmile:
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I'm just passing through but i do suggest that losing weight and keeping it off is going to be easier if you get a scale. You don't need to spend much money.

    It is a good idea to weigh yourself at least once a week. I like to weigh daily.

    Weigh yourself only in the morning before you consume anything and do it in the nude because during the day your weight goes up with water and food intake and overnight it comes down.

    Day in and day out your weight fluctuates quite a lot too due water retention in response to menstrual cycles, salt intake, doing a lot of exercise which causes inflammation (if you've got sore muscles you will have inflammation) or dehydration. All these things are temporary and are of no real consequence re weightloss but they can upset the scale reader. So watch it go up and down frequently but gradually downwards, or gradually upwards. I hope you understand that.

    If you know what you weigh you can alter everything else in relation to it. i.e. calories, amount of exercise, type of food and so on.

    You don't really need to do a lot of exercise. Most of your weightloss effort should be concentrated around improving what the nutrition of what you eat and eating fewer calories. i.e. eat more whole foods and less processed and refined foods. Less refine sugar and flour foods for example. EAt more fruit and vegetables. Eat more protein.

    Develop personal strategies that enable you to stick with the program you write for yourself.

    Things like stress, lack of sleep, depression (usually results from chronic stress), low seratonin levels all result in increased appetite. So do extended periods of consistent weight loss.

    When you lose 10% of your body weight, take a diet break. Try to stabilise your weight for a period of time. If you don't your body will try to make you regain what you've lost anyway. The worst thing to do at that point is to keep trying to up the ante with more exercise or less calories. this will just slow your metabolism further and make your weightloss slower. Sooner or late a rebound will occur and you will end up back at square one.
  • Hi Danielle feel freet o add me, i've recently come back on here and am determined to make it work this time. I currently weighabout 255 and want to lose aboyt 80lbs so will be here for a while. Started yesterday and have also started the couch to 5k, get really close before (1 run away) then had an injury and get demotivated and ley everything slip. I'm 46 and from the uk.

  • nats2508
    nats2508 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all! I'm new here too..
    My name is Natalie and I'm from the UK. My sister (who is as thin as anything!) introduced me to this app and so far I am finding it helpful.

    I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life (I've just turned 38) and have an 11 month old baby. Having the baby made me realise that I have to try as hard as I can for her sake and I want to show her a healthy way of life. I have started running and have completed a 10k but I still struggle at times, I suppose if I weighed less I could run faster! I would love to do a marathon one day, either here or abroad.

    Please add me to the group, we can all motivate each other as loosing weight (and keeping it off) is a journey where only those on the bus can really understand it!
