Want to lose weight the correct way

Hi everyone,

So I've been trying to lose weight for a while now but I only started taking it seriously since the start of August. I had a very bad month in June causing me to put on all the weight I'd lost... I'm a student and not working at the moment, so I spend a lot of time sitting, I haven't been going to the gym much yet but plan to - I have a meeting with a personal trainer tomorrow. I had a binge evening where I was watching a movie and emotional (PMS), but have otherwise not felt overly hungry inbetween meals. (Which is a new thing for me, as I always used to feel hungry 24/7 but I've stopped chewing gum and drink a lot of tea)

My stats:
Height: 1m78 / 5ft10
Current Weight: 74.25kilos / 164pounds
BMI: 23

Ideal Weight: 65 kilos / 143 pounds (and potentially as close to 60kilos as possible)

My food diary for August is 100% most of the time [except for a few days where I forgot], but it rarely includes my exercice. Also I find it difficult to log everything in on a night out...
I only just changed my weekly weight loss goal TODAY, from -1 kilo/per week to -0.5 kilo/per week so going from 1200 cal to 1440cal.

Food wise what do I need to abide by besides calorie intake/outtake? Macros? TDEE? Is it really that bad if I'm under my calorie goal?

Exercise wise what do you recommend for weight-loss without losing muscle mass? I'm very lazy and don't push myself when I'm at the gym so it is difficult. How many times a week should I aim to exercice?

Thanks everyone :)


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If you're under your goal slightly (such as 50-100 calories) and feeling fine, I wouldn't worry about it. On the other hand I'm of the mindset that if you're hungry, eat. That doesn't mean if you're bored, upset, etc. But truly hungry. Personally I think each of us (when it comes to food choices) should target our own problem areas. For me that means making sure I get enough protein and a variety of fruits & veggies. Honestly if I didn't make the effort I'd hardly eat any f/v and that's not good!

    For 'nights out' you can preplan somewhat. If you know where you're going, look up their menu online. If that's not possible aim for simple meal options. Grilled lean meat. Steamed veggies. Avoid heavy creams and glazes.

    Exercise in the past has been a problem area for me. So instead of stressing over exercise I now make an effort to be more active each & every day. It does include some cardio (walking, jogging mainly) but being more active in general. Not sitting on my duff all the time when I could be doing something instead. Exercise is for fitness, but moving more (in general) does mean you burn more calories in the day.