new mom and i need advice

rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member
My 5 week old has been screaming from 2am-now 7:30am with minimal breaks. I took his temp at around 6 and again it was 99.9 its now 100.2 he's also sneezing a lot. Ive contacted his pedi but I'm wondering if he's allergic to my cat who never comes near him but is still in the house or if its something else. Also has a bit of gunk in his nose.


  • leadslinger17
    leadslinger17 Posts: 297 Member
    Aww, sorry for your little guy. First off, not a medical professional, just a dad on the internet so take anything I say (or anything else you read like Web MD) with a grain of salt.

    That is a low grade fever, not too bad. I know it's very scary when you are a new parent and they are screaming and sick. If you go to the pediatrician (barring any other weirdness), the biggest thing they are going to tell you is watch out for is dehydration. If he stops eating or if he stops having wet diapers at a normal rate, then you have to worry about dehydration. Odds are that is what they will tell you, "He's got some kind of virus, we can't give him anything, watch out for dehydration". I am not saying this to say don't go to the doctors (you should, especially if this is your first time dealing with something like this), but just to calm your nerves a little in the meantime... because when they are screaming non-stop like that it is awful.

    When you have your first kid, its scary and you don't know what to do. My wife and I took our oldest to the doctors a lot, we weren't like every sniffle but when in doubt we were going to err on the side of caution. By the time we got to our second we had seen enough stuff that we'd be like "Eh, we'll go tomorrow if he's still got a fever or if it gets worse" lol But the other thing, trust your mother's intuition... my wife is in no way a nervous hypochondriac, so if she says something is wrong I say ok lets go.
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    baby fevers r diff than adult fevers. a 100 would knock an adult out, but babies can run kinda hot.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I don't want to state the obvious here but have you tried Holding Him? My son liked to be wrapped tightly. Yours may not.

    How often are you feeding him? He could be hungry. Are you feeding naturally or formula (I have NO OPINION EITHER WAY). If it's formula he may be having a reaction to the type it is.

    Hope you get an appt soon and can let us know.

    My son always ran "hot" at 99 and even still at 14y he's a "hot" kid.

    He was a thirsty baby, that hasn't changed. He loves water.

    Not sure if it's your cat or not.

    Use the horrible syringe to suck the mucous out of his nose.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    Baby is still within a normal temperature, I believe. My daughter always had some gunk in her nose; that little bubble top sucker thing the hospital sent us home with was always being used!

    Week 5 is around the time of their first big developmental stage, so if the baby isn't sick or allergic that would explain the fussiness. Whenever my daughter gets extremely grumpy I check the app on my phone and it usually does confirm she's in one of those stages. Check out "Wonder Weeks" if you're interested - it has helped me be more understanding of what she's going through, especially when I just wanted to pull my hair out because I didn't know what was wrong.

    Hope you get some sleep, mama! :flowerforyou:
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 558 Member
    It's probably not the cat - they say that allergies don't develop until they are older. Also, babies that are exposed to animals are actually less likely to develop allergies to them.

    He could be hot from all the crying. All that crying is hard work :)

    Try clearing his nose with some saline and put a towel under his crib mattress so his head is a bit propped up - that always helped when my little ones had stuffy noses.

    Good luck to you - the first few months are tough, but it gets easier :)
  • rAc_hEl
    rAc_hEl Posts: 246 Member
    Thank you everyone. His doctor said he's congested and we went and got some saline. :)
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Both of my children were amazing until about 5 weeks. It was then that they realized that they were alive and were definitely going to let me know it. I doub't allergies, or virus really as the immune system of tiny babies is typically pretty good. Both of my children were also colickey (sp?) and they would scream and scream without stop every day between the hours of 4:30 PM and 8:30PM and then just stop. I'm sorry that this is happening, and I feel for you as a new mom that can be extremely scary. I hope everything works out. Good luck to you and your little one. :flowerforyou:
  • WreckaRed
    WreckaRed Posts: 116 Member
    You can always just call your pedi office and speak with the nurse. Let them know symptoms and they should be able to give you some ideas to try. They also know if there is a particular ick going around, and they can help you decide whether or not it warrants a visit. 5 weeks old though, that is pretty young. Personally I would be seen merely for the young age of the baby. I hope your little one feels better soon. Sick babies and kids never get easier on parents hearts.
  • Maerwhyn
    Maerwhyn Posts: 22 Member
    I'm glad there wasn't anything really serious wrong, besides lack of sleep. That makes everything worse. I don't know if you're a reader, but the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth is awesome. His writing is kind of a jumbled mess, but the information is so good it's worth slogging through it. It tells you how to work with your baby's natural biological clock and how to establish good sleep habits so you can all sleep better. The thing I like about it is that it tells you what to expect and when, because babies' sleep needs are different depending on how old they are. Anyway, according to the book (and my three girls have all been this way) babies are the most fussy at 6 weeks, then gradually get less so. So as frustrating as it is, your little one is right on track.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Welcome to parenthood. Babies are pretty neat, I think.

    It comes and goes. Just have to realize you're on their schedule, not the other way around. Baby is boss. Yep.
  • 949BeachMom
    God bless you guys. I remember when my son was that small I wished hed get big n hold his own bottle or walk n now I wish he was tiny cause hes adventurous and jumps off the couches n kitchen tables n hes only a year n a half. Idk why little boys love kitchen tables so much , the other night I passed by my neighbors n their baby was on theirs I was thinking well atleast my son isnt the inly one lol
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Thank you everyone. His doctor said he's congested and we went and got some saline. :)

    Awesome news. Thanks for letting us know.