My First Day

I am about to go to sleep feeling angry and sad. I spent my day eating well but after dinner I snacked on cereal which I love but I know it makes me put on weight easily. I recently got divorced so it's been a battle along with being unemployed and feeling depressed.
I really want to reach my goal weight from 82 kikos down to 65 kilos. I want to at least feel better about myself when I attend a friend's wedding in November, 2014.
There are so many other reasons why I want to shed the kilos. I want to be the real me, feel and look healthy and confident.  Does anyone have any tips for helping me get through after dinner I want to eat cereal but I get so full then put the weight on? I'm good during the day but for some reason I tend to over eat at night.

Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated :)


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,145 MFP Staff
    Welcome to MyFitnessPal! First days are tough and you should congratulate yourself for making steps towards progress and hopefully have woken up today and are trying again.

    Our community is filled with people who have been where you have been and I am sure you will find people who can help and support you with this journey.

    Good Luck!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I'm a night snacker too, bigtime.

    I find I have to plan my day around those snacks. And that's fine by me. I know I can get through the day by skimping 200-300 calories to be sure I have enough for nighttime. Pre-planning and logging my days really helps with that.

    My food diary's open, take a look! And feel free to friend me. :)
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    I was ( sometimes still ) a cereal snacker at night. I have a trick that cured me for 95% of the days - brushing my teeth after dinner and saying kitchen closed. After a couple of days that were hard, I solved a lifetime of night time snacking. I have no desire to eat once my teeth are brushed and I don't want to do it again ( lazy haha). I would be happy to cheer you on if you would like to send me a friend request. You can do this!
  • kbl52643
    kbl52643 Posts: 3 Member
    I definitely am a night time snacker. I deal with this 3 ways. 1. I be sure to save calories for my nighttime snack. I have found that by making myself a low calorie, high protein smoothie for breakfast helps me save calories for later on while still feeling full. 2. I buy snacks specifically for this time of the day. I love ice cream so I buy skinny cow ice cream sandwiches (150 cals). I also love brownies, cookies etc. Fiber one has 90 calorie snacks that are great. 3. I go for a power walk in the evening. This earns me extra calories so I can enjoy my snack without feeling like I blew my calorie count. Just be careful about eating back your cals earned from exercise. MFP often overestimates your calories burned. So I only let myself eat back half of what they estimate I burned, then I know I am safe. Good luck to you! It is hard at first but once you get into the swing of things, IT DOES GET EASIER!