starting new

Here I am, more than a year after joining MFP, finally going on the forums.

It's been touch and go for me for the last couple of years, unfortunately mostly ''go'' than anything else as I failed miserably to stay motivated long enough to have real changes.

There was always something to kick me back, some where valid reasons (broke a ligament in my ankle, we had a huge heat wave here that made my asthma totally out of wack (even with my inhalers) , other were simply that I stopped caring.

I did however, keep some good habits, I drink way less soda than before (still have some everyday but it's not a two litter daily now!) and only diet (hush with the aspartame is the devil speech, I heard it, I know it and I don't really care, I'm allowed once vice :p) when my ankle(and lungs) is permitting, I walk the dog more and more and overall ate more veggies and less crap than before. Just not enough to make any real changes in how I felt.

Now however, honestly I don't know what got into me, for the first time in years I feel like I might be able to be motivated just enough so it becomes an habit. I think it's mostly a bunch of reasons (want to be able to play with my son, I want to be able to wear normal clothes again (fat clothes are so expensive) I want to look good for me (and maybe believe my bf when he says he loves me, which I don't, at all)

One of my goals is to be able to fit in my old snowboarding pants again for winter so I can go skiing (assuming the damn ankle is better by then!!) I was overweight when I bought them, I don't even know how realistic is the goal at the moment, as it was before I was pregnant, so now my fat is all weird and I have this annoying skin flab -_-.

I'm following my calories intake way more seriously now, using the app and everything. Yesterday I went under the minimum recommended (I just wasn't hungry and too busy with work I guess) and I went swimming for one hour.
I was only able to do 15 minutes of moderate lengths swimming (breaststroke/backstrokes mostly, without my ankle) before I had to stop (both for my ankle and my cardio was all ''WTF GIRL!'' so I went in the deep end and swam there and did some stretching and aquafit moves (looked like a complete dumbass, but ehe)

I'm going back tomorrow swimming, maybe I'll be able to do more than 15 mins lenghts, maybe not, but I wont stop before I do at least 45 mins swimming/1h

So that's it, that's my silly weight loss journey that I hope wont be gameover before I reach a milestone or whatever.
Right now it's just one day at the time, eating less, eating better and swimming 3 days a week.

So far, I had some amazing support from some of my facebook friends, and I'd love to have more as it seems to help a lot. If anyone is interested in joining me on FB to do mutual cheering and pick me up, i'm all in for that! So far I share meals, exercise that I do and I'll add recipes as well as the nutritional info.

or friends on here.... just don't know how often I'll be on here yet



  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    Aloha :-) I really appreciate your honest and heartfelt post! I am also back after a long break from MFP and would like to get back to some of those good habits as well. Your post has motivated me to not be so inhibited and selfish with the information I share, and after I finish here I will work on a proper introduction and full profile update! My goal is to add new friends with whom I can really share ideas (and a few laughs!) with....not to add folks for the sake of it. Best wishes to you and feel free to add me if you like!
  • geneva042
    Hehe thanks!

    For me, the way I see it, the web is easier to share info and I don't see why I'll hold back, if some information can either help someone help me, or get motivated, then good! :D