How long did it take your brain to catch up?

Once you lost the weight, how long did it take your brain to catch up to what your body was now like?

Body image has always been a struggle for me, but I almost feel like it's harder to get my brain to accept where I am now than it was when I was obese. It was recently brought to my attention that I was wearing clothes that are too big, and some of the chafing issues I was having with my running skirts were because they were too big. I thought it was nuts until I compared my measurements to the sizing charts for the brands I wear, and it wasn't even borderline - I was several inches (plural!) too small for what I was wearing.

In my head, I still want to reach for the bigger sizes. This journey has been all about health, and I want a healthy body image in addition to a healthy body. I feel like my mind is much harder to...well, not fix, since it isn't broken, but change. Any tips?


  • captaindle
    captaindle Posts: 30 Member
    Having lost 80 - 90 pounds twice before, I can tell you from experience that it does take the brain a little while to catch up with our current body. It happened both ways for me. When I got thin, I still fetl big. Then my brain adjusted and when I got big I still felt thin for a while. It is a process so don't beat yourself up that you self image hasn't caught up with your reality just yet. I would suggest going clothes shopping with a friend. Someone you're close to that you feel safe/comfortable with. Also, if you took before pictures, I'd certainly take a side by side look at those pictures and your current ones. I found photos were most helpful in seeing my new reality. Above all, keep up the great work!! Your body and your mind will get there even if it is at different times.