Lipo Shots

I am sure as popular as doc in a box weight lose places are that this has been discussed on here before. There is a place near my home that does shots (along with several other things) to help with weight loss. Has anyone tried these? If so what is your experience? Below is a breakdown of what the shot has in it and the claims on it according to this specific company.

This is a combination of 3 amino acids that consist of:
And B Vitamins which include: B1
The purpose of the lipotropic injection is to do the following: Boost Your Metabolism
Decrease Water Weight
Burn Fat
Promote Overall Well-Being


  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Sounds like a gimmick.
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    Oh just found this in an email from this office

    "These injections have Hydroxocobalamin(long acting B12) as well as Cyanocobolamin(reg B12). (These new injections can be taken up to 3 times a week!)"

    Of course these shots cost anywhere from $12-$18 depending on the "specials" so I would never take them that often.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Or you could do what is actually proven to be successful and put in the hard work. :/
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    This practice does do a detailed intake of new patients and doesn't do highly restricted diets like some of those pushing 1000 calorie diets. But they have so many extra supplements it is like GNC almost.
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    Or you could do what is actually proven to be successful and put in the hard work. :/

    I know! :) I'm not looking for a quick fix. What caught my attention was the vitamins. I have sleep apnea and am always drained.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    This practice does do a detailed intake of new patients and doesn't do highly restricted diets like some of those pushing 1000 calorie diets. But they have so many extra supplements it is like GNC almost.

    So what you're saying is that they are making plenty of money off people by selling supplements....
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    This practice does do a detailed intake of new patients and doesn't do highly restricted diets like some of those pushing 1000 calorie diets. But they have so many extra supplements it is like GNC almost.

    So what you're saying is that they are making plenty of money off people by selling supplements....

    Basically it seems that way. I do know someone who had great success there. But at a high financial cost.

    I was thinking why the expensive shots? You can get a bottle of B vitamins for $8.
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Run away, run away. Possibly the only thing you will lose from that is your money. I would be scared of anyone injecting non medicinal stuff into my body.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Or you could do what is actually proven to be successful and put in the hard work. :/

    I know! :) I'm not looking for a quick fix. What caught my attention was the vitamins. I have sleep apnea and am always drained.

    Your regular doctor can give you viamin B shots if you are actually low. Have you had any blood work done? Checked for anemia? Not much you can do about the sleep apnea except to lose the weight. Do you have a CPAP?
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member

    Your regular doctor can give you viamin B shots if you are actually low. Have you had any blood work done? Checked for anemia? Not much you can do about the sleep apnea except to lose the weight. Do you have a CPAP?

    I don't have the CPAP yet. I'm in a preexisting phase. I had my sleep study done in December last year. Took a new job in January. So basically I get to wait 12 months before it will be covered. Honestly I am hoping if I continue to lose weight I won't need it. But there are days when I feel like I can't keep going I am so exhausted. It makes it so hard to exercise, though I have been forcing myself to walk / jog anyways. Not to mention I'm pretty much a B* by Wednesday from lack of good sleep during the week. I can also tell that by the time my poor sleep catches us with me mid week it gets harder to eat healthy. I think my mind confuses sleepy and hungry.
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Or you could do what is actually proven to be successful and put in the hard work. :/

    I know! :) I'm not looking for a quick fix. What caught my attention was the vitamins. I have sleep apnea and am always drained.
    If you want all those vitamins, eat more veggies and/or take a multi-vitamin. Also, what does a "lipo shot" have to do with your sleep apnea? Is it a vitamin B deficiency? Here I just saved you a bunch of money. Thank me later
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    The shot will literally not directly do any of those things they are advertising. You will get some pep from the Vit B cocktail that COULD result in you feeling more lively to do more activity that in turn COULD result in metabolism increase because you would be burning more calories as you body does more things. This in turn COULD result in weight loss if you are in a calorie deficit.

    AWHOLELOTTA factors in there to reach the end result they are advertising huh?

    The thing is, you COULD just go buy a bottle of vitamin B-Complex for the price of one of their shots and that would last you a month or two alone.

    Vitamin B cocktails are really an awesome thing to have. The only difference is with the injection you are by-passing your digestive tract and liver. If you have any GI issues or liver issues than shots would definitely be the more desirable route as you would have issues metabolizing the nutrient and getting the full delivery. If you don't however, you can just buy a potent vit B complex. No worries about overdosing as your liver will filter it for you, absorbing as much as the body can uptake and causing the rest to just pass through the body and not be absorbed. Vit B is water soluble so your body does not store excess, just takes what it needs and gets rid of the rest, doesn't store it in body tissue. This also kinda makes me a bit skeptical about their advertising of the "long lasting" kind.

    Why so many people get hyped up and pay for the injection is bc your body isn't metabolizing anything. It is an immediate intake into your system so immediate feel good effect instead of waiting for your body to naturally uptake it like you would with the pill. Basically, they become vitamin junkies. Needles and all :)