Activity Trackers - which is best?

Hi there,

I have been doing some research online into the various activity trackers on the market at the moment, I've become overwhelmed by all the different choices and also that they are so expensive.

I want one because I want more accurate readings on the calories that I burn when working out and also just day-to-day. As the gym machines tell me I burn x amount and then MFP tells me a totally different amount and I want to know the most accurate so I don't unknowingly go over on my calories thinking that I have burned 200 when I've only burned halfed of that in reality. My ultimate goal is to lose weight, if that wasn't obvious already!

I have read that the fitbit is good, but it is so expensive I am hoping to find something a bit cheaper. In the UK the fitbit is selling for around £100 and really I would like to spend half that amount.

Any advice or recommendations would be great - thanks :)


    LKCHE Posts: 3 Member
    I have a Fitbit One and I absolutely love it. It clips on to your bra strap or pocket (or wherever you want to put it) rather than your wrist, so I think the reading is more accurate. It even works on the treadmill. I wish there were some magic way they could figure out how to build an HRM in there so my CrossFit workouts would count somehow, but for now I just do that manually.

    I would say the Fitbit is totally worth the money.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks for your reply LKCHE!
    Do you know if it would work when using other machines in the gym such as the cross trainer and rowing machine? I have been finding the treadmill leaves my joints a little sore/weak so I find these machines better for me at the moment
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Observation, consistency, time, accuracy in food intake tracking and adjustments. All the tech in the world can't match that.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Doing what I can to accurately log my food not having issues there, just trying to find something to make it simpler to accurately log exercise/calories burned in the same way..