Fitbit Q: Minutes logged vs calories

I have linked my fitbit account to MFP. Great- it automatically adds in the day's steps. But how do you adjust for differences without double counting? For example, if 3000 of my steps were from running, the calorie count would be higher right? But I don't want to log 15 minutes of running and have it double count the calories from fitbit.

Also, how do I let MFP know that I did exercise 60 minutes yesterday without entering in the 45 minutes of walking that are already counted? It has my steps as accurate, but it says "1" for minutes exercised. I know calories spent are most important, but at the same time, I am a goal setter. I like the way MFP tells me that I have a goal of 45 minutes exercise 5 times per week. I want it to acknowledge that I did, lol.


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I think if you just go by the Fitbit Calorie Adjustment and log non-step workouts manually, it takes care of itself.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    It's basically one or the other. If your exercises are coming from step-based activities, then they're counted in your Fitbit adjustment - your Fitbit tells MFP how many calories you've burned through those exercises. MFP lists the time as "1 minute" because the Fitbit only sends along the steps/calories burned, NOT the total active minutes.

    However, if you really want those minutes, your other option is to record your exercise in MFP. It'll ask you for a start and stop time, and that will essentially override your Fitbit adjustment for that same time period. So it WON'T double-count your calories burned, as long as you're accurate with your start and stop times.

    Generally though, I find the Fitbit adjustment for step-based activities to be much more accurate than the MFP estimate of calories burned, since your Fitbit knows exactly how fast you were going, whether you sped up or slowed down during that time period, etc. MFP just does one average over the entire time period.

    So I just let the Fitbit do its thing and not worry about entering my walking/running in MFP. The only time I'll enter an exercise separately is if it's NOT step-based, like swimming or kayaking.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member

    Generally though, I find the Fitbit adjustment for step-based activities to be much more accurate than the MFP estimate of calories burned, since your Fitbit knows exactly how fast you were going, whether you sped up or slowed down during that time period, etc. MFP just does one average over the entire time period.

    Thanks! I didn't know that it factored in speed, so that definitely helps with the first part of my question about knowing the difference between steps walked and steps run.