Help with toning up


Ok so Ive lost 80lbs, still got lots to go and am trying to tone up also, some parts seem to be toning better than others. Im mainly trying to tone up the bust area, tummy and arms. I have looked online loads for advice and exercises and there are loads of suggestions. I currently use a rowing machine, walking, fitness dvds, and general sit ups/push ups etc but cannot do many as I have no upper body strength. I do have weights but only small ones 1kg. Im just after a little advice as I have read it is hard to spot target certain areas.

I just want to do what I can at home as sadly just cannot afford the gym. I know theres no miracles, would just like to look as good as I can. Any advice or really good exercise suggestions are welcome..

Thank you


  • dmaert
    dmaert Posts: 8 Member
    The resistance band is a wonderful tool for toning. You can go to You Tube and look up work outs for the band. They are not expensive and they are much easier on the body than weights. They come in different colors which have different resistance. Of course I am sure you know there is nothing better than crunches for the abs. You can do all forms of them. Planks work great for overall core toning. Get some paper plates and put them under your feet for mountain climbers. They hurt like you know what but they are very effective for the abs and core. The bust is another issue. You can firm the muscles under and around the breast but the actual breast is mostly fat so that will be a tough one. I have been working on that one too. :-)

    Hope this helps you some. Good luck! You are doing so good. I am so proud of you for accomplishing that amount of weight loss. I have just crossed the 20# mark and need to lose about 30 more.

  • tweetypixx
    tweetypixx Posts: 65 Member
    Must admit had not really thought about a resistance band, that might be worth a go. thanks, will go and have a look for one. Im happy to give anything a go. I find the plank is good but oh my, does it hurt. I know what makes you ache must be working but they are tough. I did research about the bust so know that I will never have them look how I want without surgery but hoping like you said, to at least tone the muscles under and above them.

    Thanks for your help, really appreciate it and thanks too, been a struggle but getting there. Well done to you too, that is a brilliant loss :)
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Lift weights.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    New Rules for Lifting, Starting Strength.

    If you have no equipment or no access.

    You Are Your Own Gym

    Convict Conditioning

    Throw away the sit-ups.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You can't tone fat... Boobs are just fat...