meal plans

Does anyone know where to get meal plans that are for busy moms who dont have time to make crazy recipes? I mean just like a normal, 8oz of OJ, 1 pack of maple brown sugar oatmeal, blah blah blah, then lunch, turkey sandwich light mayo, bean sprouts, blah blah blah, dinner, baked chicken, diet coke, green beans, .......get the picture? I just need normal food, lol, and I need it laid out like what I can eat and what I need to stay away from, I have not eatne any sweets, drank a few diet cokes, and juice and eaten alot of fresh fruit but I dont know what else to do :( im getting discouraged and wanna give up already :(


  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I thought I needed meal plans as well, but when I started here I found it was a lot easier than I expected. You may have to do a little trial and error until you start to memorize calorie amounts and portion sizes. The best thing to do is to think of foods you like and already eat. Then look them up in the food database to find out how many calories are in them. Then you can make your own meal plans based on your normal eating habits.
  • amycrims
    I have the same problem. When you make such a drastic change its really hard to figure out how to eat well. You're not alone, don't give up!! For me, I know I have to try and eat as "normal" as possible so I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I can still eat my popcorn, just not loaded with butter and salt. Think of foods you want to eat and what a healthier version would be. Hot sauce is my best friend cause I can make plain boring egg whites or grilled chicken breast taste like the mexican foods i always crave so much!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    You can look at other peoples food diaries to see what they are eating. then write out a meal plan for yourself based on that. Not everyones food diary is public but there are quite a few that are good luck. Mine is public if you want to have a look.