BMR/ Calorie deficit.... help please!

Ok, I'm trying to understand this whole equation and what it all means. So my BMR is 1,888 calories. Mfp has me eating 1,590 calories a day. I try to burn between 200-800 calories a day. Am I doing this right? What does all this mean? Please break it down for me!


  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    Your BMR is the calories your body will burn if you do not move for the day, think about those as the calories your body uses in a coma with absolutely no movement.

    All movement adds to that. I'm guessing you have MFP set for a 2lb per week loss. This means MFP is calculating your likely movement as adding 702 calories daily to your burn. That might seem like alot, but most of us get that just from moving around. Since I see you have quite a bit to lose still, then MFP's numbers are likely spot on.

    If you do any exercise at all, then that adds more calories. My strongest suggestion to you is to buy a Fitbit or other activity monitor device and wear it all the time. MFP will link to this device and either add or remove calories from your plan based on your activity level. I've found it very motivating to go out for a run or long walk when I know there is a pizza or can of pepsi at the end of it due to calories earned.