A little bit about me

My name is Kayla, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Sydney Australia.

Here is a quick run through my story.

I've always felt bigger than everyone else and after I left high school I did start to pile on some weight. At around 85kgs I went to the doctors and was prescribed reductil after requesting it. I think I only used it for a month and was going to the gym and starting to make healthy choices with my food. I continued with gym and I'm not sure of time frame but went on to lose 17 kgs and got down to 68 kgs.

At this time I decided to go to uni and couldn't afford my gym membership any more but it was okay I stayed at this weight.

It wasn't until my relationship with my partner broke down and I stopped eating for months on end. I completely lost my appetite to eat and if I made myself eat I would often be often be sick. I dropped to about 60 kgs and was really quite tiny although I didn't see it.

Eventually I started to eat again and was going out drinking and partying. Obviously I gained some weight but it was such a bad thing as many people thought I was too thin from not eating.

Fast forward to now, roughly 4 or 5 years later and I weigh 11.6 kgs.

I started eating healthier and eating smaller portions about 2.5 weeks ago and have so far lost 3.5kgs.

Would love to meet some people with similar goals to chat with regularly to keep me on track.


  • I have struggled with my weight as well and know how your feeling. Ill add ya as a friend so we can keep each other on track the more allies the better I say.
  • Hello,

    i also had experience with reductilI , and it works better for me than orlistat. i was on reductil 16 months ago and lost 2 1/2 stone, felt great, they eally worked. At the beinning didn't really know whatt to expect from them but fingers crossed cant be any worse than orlistat lol I lost my kg and found it good so far the only side effect is a dry mouth. These tablets are great if you have self discipline and excercise i combined them with healthy eating (no fast food) salade, meat, youghurt and going to the gym (not in every day ). Regarding pharmacy online i can recommend http://meds-pharmacy.net shipping from Sweden and Germany.