Sick of mustard!



  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    Wow, you folks are awesome, so many good ideas in such a short amount of time.

    I like spicy mustard too, but's mustard and just won't do when you get your mouth all set for some mayo.

    I don't like the taste of FF/light mayo and Miracle Whip is just awful (personal taste, I guess).

    Avacado is one of my favorite foods, but half of one avacado has almost 150 calories, albeit VERY healthy calories.

    I REALLY like the Olive Oil Mayo and use it when I feel like "splurging", but I wind up putting nearly a tbsp on each slice, b/c I like it so much.

    This is all too weird, since 6 weeks ago I'd think nothing about a 2000 calorie trip to Taco Bell. Now I'm denying myself 50-75 calories to make a sandwhich taste better, LOL.
    I started a topic about this yesterday

    Thanks, I didn't think to look first. I'll definitely read your thread too.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I use the olive oil mayo. Just use it sparingly and you will get the flavor without the calories. Use 1/2 tbsp it's plenty.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Avacado is one of my favorite foods, but half of one avacado has almost 150 calories, albeit VERY healthy calories.

    I eat 1/4 of an avocado almost everyday. I don't worry about the fat in it b/c its good fats and I never have a problem going over my cals. When it's on a sandwich, I use about 1/8 of an avocado. A little goes a long way!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I really like laughing cow cheese as instead of mayo, mustard and hard cheese. Full of flavor and only 35 calories and comes in many flavors.
  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    I use the olive oil mayo. Just use it sparingly and you will get the flavor without the calories. Use 1/2 tbsp it's plenty.

    This is my first "serious" attempt to change my eating habits and get healthy. Sadly, I've never stayed on a diet this long in my life (almost 6 weeks & I attribute that success to MFP app on iPhone being so easy to use). So, I'm not over some bad habits yet, like settling for 0.5 tbsp of mayo, when I've used 1.5 - 2.0 tbsp my whole adult life. I'm working on that, though.
    I eat 1/4 of an avocado almost everyday. I don't worry about the fat in it b/c its good fats and I never have a problem going over my cals. When it's on a sandwich, I use about 1/8 of an avocado. A little goes a long way!

    I wouldn't worry about these good fats either. Ironically, I often come in under on my cals too. I guess most of the deprivation comes from having a bad mindset. I haven't gotten past the "no pain, no gain" mentality yet, so coming in under cals is still better (in my head) than allowing myself certain things. I'll work on this too.
    I really like laughing cow cheese as instead of mayo, mustard and hard cheese. Full of flavor and only 35 calories and comes in many flavors.

    I've got to remember to look for this stuff when I get groceries. It sounds too good to be true for the calorie count :).
  • SweetyGirl
    Why not just mix your mayo and low fat yogurt (or greek yogurt) together - say, 50/50? Or experiment with the amounts to see how much of the mayo you really need to "flavor" the yogurt, even adding in a bit of Dijon or yellow mustard, horseradish, or whatever low cal flavors float your boat? If you invent something really yummy, please share!