Fish For Beginners

whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
I'm going to try to incorporate fish into my diet because I know it's good for me, but as of now, I'm not too fond of it. Do you guys have any good recipes for me to try that are easy and delicious? Thanks!


  • JulieTX86

    I hate fish, can't stand seafood... I really need to broaden my horizons.

    I did try catfish once last year that my boyfriends mom made, but it was not healthy... it was breaded/fried catfish, but the sauce that she put on top was what tasted SOOO good... it was a sundried tomato paste and she added chopped black olives, green olives and some parmesan cheese. Again not healthy... so if somebody has a healthy fish idea that I should try that would be great!

  • WonderNoodle
    BUMP! I'm clueless and need easy, quick. Walmart sells talapia in individual packages....would like to make that for a quick lunch :drinker:
  • agibsonky
    agibsonky Posts: 124 Member
    I like mine blackened and grilled. My favorite is salmon, but a lot of people who don't care much for fish like tilapia because it is a milder tasting fish. I'm no expert...I just started eating fish within the last year.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I honestly just started cooking raw fresh fish last week, and it's really easy! I bought some boneless salmon fillets stuffed with crab and lobster at Safeway. But you can get regular salmon fillets or tilapia or something yummy. At least for the salmon, I sprinkled on some Emiril's Essence seasoning and a bit of garlic, and drizzled some olive oil on it and bake it in the oven on tin foil for 25 minutes at 400 degrees. Cook until it's really light pink and opaque. It doesn't get any easier than that.
  • LoserCruiser
    I am not a huge fish eater either, but I do like the frozen individually packed highliners salmon in dill sauce! They are filling and all you have to do is unwrap and stick it in the oven!
  • ZacFields
    ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
    I don't know if you don't like fish because you haven't tried the right kind or you just genuinely don't like fish. Either way, here's my input:

    Fried Fish is usually the tastiest in my opinion, but that's kind of out of the question, isn't it? lol

    Try different types of fish. There's Cod, Salmon, Tuna, Catfish, Tilapia, and others. My favorite way to prepare Cod and Tilapia is simply to cook it in a little bit of Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a pan. I season it with something called "Citrus Seasoning," which can be purchased pretty much anywhere I think. The Olive Oil gives the fish the perfect amount of juiciness and the citrus seasoning gives it a nice taste.

    Salmon is good prepared that same way too, but I will say that Salmon (in my opinion) is not as good as Cod or Tilapia. Salmon is a little bit stronger of a fishy taste I think.
  • jim0822
    Hi there! I love fish and seafood. An easy and delicious meal for me is: haddock (or other mild white fish) topped with salsa and baked in a 400 degree oven until it flakes. Yum! Or top it with a coating of spaghetti sauce and a little freshly grated asiago cheese. If you want to try shrimp or bay scallops - make scampi: sauteed in a little olive oil minced garlic, onion, and celery until tender, add stewed tomatoes (I use the petite diced), a little white wine, a bit of dried thyme and basil - turn up the heat until it cooks down to the consistency you like - then add the raw peeled shrimp or bay scallops - they cook quite quickly. Often I serve this over rice or pasta, it's one of my favorites. If you need any more ideas, just friend me.
  • alisonah
    alisonah Posts: 2 Member
    Do you have a Trader Joe's nearby? They've got some nice seafood options in the meat case & in the frozen section. For example, tonight I had a tasty wild Pacific salmon in a chimichurri sauce. Just had to thaw it and pop it in the oven for 12 minutes.

    Also, you can learn a lot about seafood choices from - it's a guide from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It'll tell you things like whether the seafood is sustainable, if any health advisories have been issued, etc. And they've also got some tasty recipes on the site. If you shop at Whole Foods, they're labeling their wild caught seafood according to the guide to make informed shopping easier. Note: it can be really hard to always find seafood that the guide says is a best choice or good alternative, so don't beat yourself up. But it is good to try. =)

    I love shrimp - they're really easy to cook. Pick up some Old Bay spice and steam them; get rid of the shells and thrown them in a wok with a little olive oil, red pepper flakes and garlic and serve with some whole wheat pasta; or steam them and serve cold over a salad of mixed greens, tomato, and avocado and your vinaigrette of choice. They're very versatile and hard to mess up.

    Don't write off all seafood - there are many kinds. From shrimp, clams and mussels (all are great, steamed with white wine & slices of garlic) to light white fish like fluke, flounder and tilapia (bake in the oven with a little butter/oil and a little sprinkle of paprika on top) to meatier fish like salmon, monkfish, and swordfish (sorry, drawing a blank on a cooking suggestion) - try the different types until you find some that appeal to you. Cheers!
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Try this Whit it is absolutely wonderful. I use tilapia because I love that fish and if you get from a Gourmet Market like the Fresh Market the pieces are so much meatier than the frozen ones from Wal-Mart. Enjoy!
  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    I`ve been trying eat more fish as well. And I really don`t like it hahaha. But I have found a few ways that are really tasty.

    Fish Taco`s. You can make adjustments at each stage to make it less fattening if you want.

    Marinate tilapia in the juice of 1 lime and some margarita mix ( or just lime is ok). then I pat some panko on it, and cook it with no or little oil in my seasoned iron skillet. Serve on tortilla, with coleslaw, salsa and a bit of cheese. The coleslaw I make is with red cabbage, OJ, and some sesame oil. there`s other things as well, but it`s really good for you. (several versions by Bobby Flay)

    make a lowfat version of this without the potato it`s really good

    or Sushi I love sushi.
  • jwd28
    jwd28 Posts: 765
    Make a sauce by mixing equal parts olive oil, lemon juice and soy sauce (usually 1/4-1/2 cup each). You can use it with any fish. I like it best with salmon. Just put your fish in a baking dish, pour the sauce over it and bake it until the fish flakes easily and is no longer translucent in the middle. For a fish "beginner" you'll want to make sure to bake it long enough. "Experienced" fish eaters usually don't mind undercooked fish, but I wouldn't recommend it for someone who isn't too big on fish yet.

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    monkfish and swordfish are nice because they have a denser texture, and mild flavors. Those 2 are how I started with fish... Monkfish is almost as dense as lobster, and it is sweet and tasty like lobster too. Easily my fave...but it can be hard to find sometimes.
  • virginiagomes
    virginiagomes Posts: 110 Member
    Try for awesome recipes.
    Try Coriander Salmon....mmm yum
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    I used to dislike fish but now have grown to love salmon.

    Try putting a bit of honey, garlic and lemon juice and basil and baking it in the oven.

    Also if you really dont like the tase, make a low/no fat yogurt with dill sauce to eat with the salmon, its delicious!
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    Pull down your big red Betty Crocker Cookbook. (What, you don't have one? Go get one. Now. Right now. You'll thank me.) Try their Hearty Seafood Stew. It is beyond delicious. Super hearty, low-calorie, and because all the seafood is going into a stew you can get away with buying some of the cheaper fish fillets and shrimp. I promise, you'll love it!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Here is a great simple recipe

    Buy some frozen Haddock or Halibut, italian bread crumbs and 1 egg

    Whisk the egg, dip the dethawed peice of fish into the whisked egg, than dip the fish in a plate of bread crumbs

    Place on heated pan on oven, spray some pam or use a little bit of butter/mararine and fry about 5-7 mins on each side at a medium temp. (can do more than one peice at a time, we do 4)

    Delicious.. can use a LITTLE bit of tartar sauce to dip the fish into
  • meadows654
    A very simple and easy way to prepare fish, such as tilapia, is to pull out the tin foil. Heat the oven to ~350 degrees. Place each defrosted or fresh fillet on it's own square of tin foil. Sprinkle the fish with a dill/lemon seasoning (I love McCormick's It's a Dilly). Put a small pat of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Lite on each fish. Fold up all of the sides of the tin foil to form little closed tents. Bake for ~25-30 minutes. Very easy and yummy. Even my 4 year old loves fish this way!
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    Tilipia is the best fish for beginners. Its does not have a fishy taste, and its very mild. Like others have said, grilled, blackened, fish tacos are all yummy choices. A 4 ounce filet comes in around a 100 calories and its good for you. You should also give shrimp a shot too. You can pan fry it and throw it on a salad, make shrimp fajitas (my fav) or put on a grill. Down in Mississippi, we like to boil it in cajun seasonings and eat them like that also.
  • tammybee5
    I am like you, I can't stand fish or the more particularly the smell of fish, unless is Sushi or cooked by someone else... So to cook it at home my butcher told me how to cook it with out the smell.

    Salmon ( I prefer the steak cut, yes its a little more but its easier)
    1 -2 lemons depending on how much salmon to cook
    1 garlic clove minced tiny or shaved.
    some tin foil.
    optional salt.

    Pre-heat over 350
    Take piece of tin foil place on cooking sheet
    Place salmon, skin side down on to tin foil.
    Sprinkle garlic all over salmon
    If using salt, a lil salt - like less than a dash.
    Squeeze lemon juice all over salmon
    Wrap tin foil to make a little pouch.
    Cook in over for 20 minutes, or until the salmon is the flaky with a fork.
    Serve with rice and veg and enjoy.
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    A very simple and easy way to prepare fish, such as tilapia, is to pull out the tin foil. Heat the oven to ~350 degrees. Place each defrosted or fresh fillet on it's own square of tin foil. Sprinkle the fish with a dill/lemon seasoning (I love McCormick's It's a Dilly). Put a small pat of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Lite on each fish. Fold up all of the sides of the tin foil to form little closed tents. Bake for ~25-30 minutes. Very easy and yummy. Even my 4 year old loves fish this way!

    This is sounds delicous