HELP - lost only 1 pound in 2 weeks



  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I suggest you start measuring. If you are exercising that hard your are going to build muscle, which throws the scale off.

    False. If you are exercising hard and eating in a deficit, you will not gain muscle. You may experience newbie gains (minimal) and gain strength, but you will not gain muscle mass. It is darn near impossible, unless you hit the genetic lottery. Muscle mass gains takes a lot of food, work, and time. Water retention on the other hand can and will throw off the scale.
  • Julibug86
    Julibug86 Posts: 21 Member
    This was really helpful to hear! While I already know that my little cheats are not helping me lose faster, I've been feeling frustrated that my increase in exercise hasn't had an impact yet (working out 1-2/mth to 2-3/wk for the last couple weeks). I know I've been drinking more water which could be a factor, but I should also just be happy with any weight loss - no matter how little. As long as I'm not gaining weight, I should just shut up!
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    Something else to consider: When you first start training, your muscles will retain more water as they repair. When you get more in to your routine, you'll shed that bit of water, and hopefully see more of your real losses. Come anyone confirm that? I don't want to pass disinformation, but that is what I was told when I started.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Something else to consider: When you first start training, your muscles will retain more water as they repair. When you get more in to your routine, you'll shed that bit of water, and hopefully see more of your real losses. Come anyone confirm that? I don't want to pass disinformation, but that is what I was told when I started.

    That is correct. Your body retains water at first to help repair muscles.
  • marie3221
    marie3221 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi everyone.

    been eating healthy for the past 2 weeks. veggies, fruits, meat, avocado! no bread pasta rice soft drinks or sugar in any way and also no processed food. been weight training hard 3 times a week with a trainer and I do 2 days 30 min HIIT. Take off on the weekend!

    Is it possible that I am losing fat and gaining muscle and I will certainly not see that on the scale? because I can see a bit of change in my face but I thought people lose a lot of weight in the first 2 weeks....I wont give up....just wondering! Thank you xx

    btw i'm 5'2 - 175 lbs and I want to get down to 140 lbs...

    Yes, most likely you are losing fat and gaining muscle. Measure yourself and don't become consumed with the number on the scale. Keep it up!!!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hi everyone.

    been eating healthy for the past 2 weeks. veggies, fruits, meat, avocado! no bread pasta rice soft drinks or sugar in any way and also no processed food. been weight training hard 3 times a week with a trainer and I do 2 days 30 min HIIT. Take off on the weekend!

    Is it possible that I am losing fat and gaining muscle and I will certainly not see that on the scale? because I can see a bit of change in my face but I thought people lose a lot of weight in the first 2 weeks....I wont give up....just wondering! Thank you xx

    btw i'm 5'2 - 175 lbs and I want to get down to 140 lbs...

    Yes, most likely you are losing fat and gaining muscle. Measure yourself and don't become consumed with the number on the scale. Keep it up!!!!

    for the last time no. OP is not gaining muscle.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Yes, most likely you are losing fat and gaining muscle. Measure yourself and don't become consumed with the number on the scale. Keep it up!!!!

    No, no, no. Not true.

    Do your research. You can't gain significant muscle on a deficit.
  • yassy124
    yassy124 Posts: 27 Member
    I haven't read through any of the responses, so I apologize if anyone has already mentioned this. It is extremely unlikely that you're gaining any real weight in muscle to offset any fat you've lost. That's really hard to do for people who monitor their macros and calories and almost impossible to do while at a deficit. I think a more likely scenario is that the HIIT has caused your muscles to retain water which might be masking (if any) fat loss. I recommend just sticking to your current plan for at least another 1-2 weeks and see if you experience any increased losses. Drinking a lot of water will also help your body let go of that extra water weight. If you don't experience any weight loss in the next few weeks, maybe reconsider your calorie intake? Hope this helps and good luck!
  • ranita888
    Thank you everyone. OK i get it i'm not gaining muscle, it's probably water retention to repair my muscle. I was a couch potato before and this is all new to me so maybe my body is a bit confused and will adjust eventually!...ALSO, my trainer said I already have the good "%" of muscles in my body the problem is that its covered with fat. I guess she's trying to strenghten the muscles that I already have. That explains!....but this morning I feel looser in a pair of pants that i havent worn in the past 2 weeks, I feel happier, i sleep something must be happening!! ....thanks for your input everyone.....NOT GIVING UP