Is skipping meals generally an okay habit?



  • Kabiti
    Kabiti Posts: 191 Member
    I want to be able to drink and I want to lose 10-15 pounds of fat with minimal exercise. I know this sounds crazy but I just wanted to know if it was possible. I'm feeling very unmotivated right now. I feel like quitting altogether at this point..

    Don't fear exercise! My diet I gave earlier in this thread was based on no exercise. Exercise made me hungry and unable to resist emotional / stress eating. I totally understand not wanting to exercise.

    But it sounds like you're not overweight, just sedentary. You will lose muscle. If you're "skinny fat," the solution is exercise. If you're obese, only then will diet alone work (and not permanently). You might be able to get some good results if you completely clean up your eating, but exercise is still very important.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I want to be able to drink and I want to lose 10-15 pounds of fat with minimal exercise. I know this sounds crazy but I just wanted to know if it was possible. I'm feeling very unmotivated right now. I feel like quitting altogether at this point..

    After reading, I really want to smack you.....

    You feel like quitting???

    Have you started anything to quit, honestly??

    Do you want me to give you actual helpful advice?
    Or would your prefer I pat you on the head and say "there, there"??
  • Chuck_Finley
    I see. I'm terrified of exercise here. I'm out of shape, I sweat a LOT, and since i'm in Korea people go to the spas completely naked. Sometimes even younger people (like kids walk in). I can't deal with that.

    It's that dumb old high school cliche you see time and time again. I'm scared.
    If I eat more (and maybe drink less..) do you think that this will be okay? Like I said, I'm only interested in a little loss. I don't need to lose more than 15 pounds tops. If I lose the weight, I'll feel more comfortable being naked/shirtless around people. And sweaty. I hate the way when I sweat I look even fatter.

    I admit that much. I am also very sedentary in general anyway.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    1200 is the estimated lowest # of calories for a woman. For guys, I think it's at least 1500 if not 1800. As other said, eating too little is very likely going to make you lose muscle along with the fat so you're still not going to get the look you want.

    Set your MFP account up to lose 1/2 a pound per week. Eat as close to the daily calorie goal as you can. If you feel like you can't eat more food, eat more calorie dense foods like peanut butter, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, dark chocolate, lean protein, avocado, healthy oils, etc. If you want to save some calories for weekend drinking, that's fine to but make sure your weekly calorie intake is as close to goal as possible.

    You don't need to go to the gym. Start out with body weight exercises at home. Either buy weights or use gallon jugs filled with water (about 8 pounds per gallon). There are many videos (YouTube, Fitnessblender) and other resources online for these types of workouts but here's a good one to start you out:
  • Chuck_Finley
    @ Mity. If you're going to be antagonistic, I'm sure theres a lot more threads where you're welcome.

    I'm just asking for constructive criticism on making my goal and what I know I can sustain work for me. I don't want a whole revamp. I want to know that what I'm doing will make some difference and not just make me look like a smaller skinnyfat.
  • Chuck_Finley
    1200 is the estimated lowest # of calories for a woman. For guys, I think it's at least 1500 if not 1800. As other said, eating too little is very likely going to make you lose muscle along with the fat so you're still not going to get the look you want.

    Set your MFP account up to lose 1/2 a pound per week. Eat as close to the daily calorie goal as you can. If you feel like you can't eat more food, eat more calorie dense foods like peanut butter, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, dark chocolate, lean protein, avocado, healthy oils, etc. If you want to save some calories for weekend drinking, that's fine to but make sure your weekly calorie intake is as close to goal as possible.

    You don't need to go to the gym. Start out with body weight exercises at home. Either buy weights or use gallon jugs filled with water (about 8 pounds per gallon). There are many videos (YouTube, Fitnessblender) and other resources online for these types of workouts but here's a good one to start you out:

    I see. I can do that. Thank you!
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    Math says you're consuming more than you think.

    A 180lb male consuming only 900 calories a day on average cannot possibly only be losing 1lb a week.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    @ Mity. If you're going to be antagonistic, I'm sure theres a lot more threads where you're welcome.

    I'm just asking for constructive criticism on making my goal and what I know I can sustain work for me. I don't want a whole revamp. I want to know that what I'm doing will make some difference and not just make me look like a smaller skinnyfat.

    Dude...I am being very serious with what I say.....
    I have been on these boards for a little while now, and I will offer advice, criticism, help, etc....

    So if you don't want my help, I will leave your thread...suite yourself.

    But look at it from my perspective for one min.

    I am willing to take time out of my life, to run the numbers and give you some advice and to help you....

    And then you post the $#!% you just posted....
    If that is how you think....then I have no desire to waste my time on someone with that kind of attitude....

    So you tell me....
    You want my advice/suggestions/help??
    or not?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Skipping is fine.

    Regularly netting 900 calories not including alcohol seems less fine.
    Whats wrong with this by the way? I'm just curious.

    If you don't eat enough you can easily become malnourished and sick. other side effects, hair loss, weak nails, bad skin, etc. Also not eating enough will also lead to a larger % of your weight loss coming from lean muscle, not the fat you want to lose, which will keep you "skinny fat" You need to eat more, much more and get 100+ grams of protein per day while partaking in a strength training program if you want to lose fat without losing much muscle.

    I suggest setting your MFP goal to lose 0.5lbs/week and eat what MFP suggests, including burned calories from exercise and get 100+ grams of protein/day.
  • strawberrycoconut87
    strawberrycoconut87 Posts: 19 Member
    You are not eating enough. Even if you were only hitting 1200 calories a day!!! I think you should be eating AT LEAST in the 1300 to 1500 range. You definitely will still lose weight if you do that consistently as I am sure that is below your BMR.
  • Chuck_Finley
    Put yourself in my shoes. I'm new here. I've never had to diet/been on a diet in my life. I don't know the first thing about exercise.

    I have a lifestyle I like to live. I like to do it.

    Now imagine me coming here, asking a helpless question and getting a variety of helpful answers and one internet stranger telling me he wants to smack me thinking I'm coming here for pats on the head.

    You come off as about 20% helpful, 80% abrasive. Instead of offering to help me, you give me grief.

    I can do that at home workouts. I can eat more. I just don't want to do the gym. I just can't. I'm not comfortable.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Put yourself in my shoes. I'm new here. I've never had to diet/been on a diet in my life. I don't know the first thing about exercise.

    I have a lifestyle I like to live. I like to do it.

    Now imagine me coming here, asking a helpless question and getting a variety of helpful answers and one internet stranger telling me he wants to smack me thinking I'm coming here for pats on the head.

    You come off as about 20% helpful, 80% abrasive. Instead of offering to help me, you give me grief.

    I can do that at home workouts. I can eat more. I just don't want to do the gym. I just can't. I'm not comfortable.

    Suite yourself brother....

    If you ever want my advice or anything, I will be more than glad to help.....ask anyone on here.

    Shoot me a message.

    Good Luck :drinker: :drinker:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Put yourself in my shoes. I'm new here. I've never had to diet/been on a diet in my life. I don't know the first thing about exercise.

    I have a lifestyle I like to live. I like to do it.

    Now imagine me coming here, asking a helpless question and getting a variety of helpful answers and one internet stranger telling me he wants to smack me thinking I'm coming here for pats on the head.

    You come off as about 20% helpful, 80% abrasive. Instead of offering to help me, you give me grief.

    I can do that at home workouts. I can eat more. I just don't want to do the gym. I just can't. I'm not comfortable.

    No one said you have to do the gym... check out the book "You are your Own Gym" great way to get started with strength traiing
  • strawberrycoconut87
    strawberrycoconut87 Posts: 19 Member
    I think it's OK if you don't want to do strenuous exercise. I know I don't and I actually have more success with losing weight when I put my focus solely on my diet. I think you can still lose weight eating more though, even if you were in bed all day. Your BMR is the # of calories you burn just by staying alive and I know it must be more than 1500 for you.
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    I would bet that you're not logging accurately, but in the event that you are, you should eat more. Yes you can eat way less than recommended, lose weight, and live, but you'll be malnourished, will lose muscle, and will be fatigued.

    I am getting the impression that you're not interested enough in making a change in your eating habits to actually get started and push yourself through any discomfort which may result from you working toward your goals. This may be horrible advice but I would not bother if you're not interested enough, you'll only set yourself up for disappointment. Just continue eating poorly and not exercising at all until it clicks that what you're doing is unhealthy and you should reform your habits.

    (If my impression is wrong, then you would be wise to humble yourself and listen to the advice persons here are giving you. Some of them are smart and are successful at doing this.)
  • Chuck_Finley
    I think it's OK if you don't want to do strenuous exercise. I know I don't and I actually have more success with losing weight when I put my focus solely on my diet. I think you can still lose weight eating more though, even if you were in bed all day. Your BMR is the # of calories you burn just by staying alive and I know it must be more than 1500 for you.

    Are you male?

    Also I will eat more. I'll go for the 1,500. That shouldn't be a problem. I'll try to get a little light exercise in. Maybe I'll invest in some lighter weights. I can give up some drinking.
    I'm also completely willing to accept .5 pounds per week. That's great advice. I'm very open to slow loss. I don't need rapid loss.

    If I can work out at home, how often and how much am I aiming for? What muscles? I can easily do 40 pushups in a row and not feel winded. However, I'm definitely not strong.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I think it's OK if you don't want to do strenuous exercise. I know I don't and I actually have more success with losing weight when I put my focus solely on my diet. I think you can still lose weight eating more though, even if you were in bed all day. Your BMR is the # of calories you burn just by staying alive and I know it must be more than 1500 for you.

    Are you male?

    Also I will eat more. I'll go for the 1,500. That shouldn't be a problem. I'll try to get a little light exercise in. Maybe I'll invest in some lighter weights. I can give up some drinking.
    I'm also completely willing to accept .5 pounds per week. That's great advice. I'm very open to slow loss. I don't need rapid loss.

    If I can work out at home, how often and how much am I aiming for? What muscles? I can easily do 40 pushups in a row and not feel winded. However, I'm definitely not strong.

    check out you are your own gym, or convict conditioning (both are body weight only exercise routines) they will tell you what to do and when to do it... no guess work involved.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Wow! The amount of bad advice on these forums is staggering!

    1. It is not ok to only be eating once or twice a day as a regular practice unless you want to put your metabolism into the crapper. You need to fuel your body at regular intervals to keep up your metabolism and keep your energy up. 900 calories a day is not ok.

    2. You don't need to be eating at a deficit. If you are trying to lose fat and gain muscle definition you need to be eating more(good healthy foods---high protein, lower carbs and not beer) in order to lose the fat and gain the muscle.

    And lastly Mity was not being antagonistic what so ever. He is trying to give you some straight forward advice. If he or any of us have hit a nerve it's probably because you know it's the truth and don't want to accept it. You are not going to get the body you want by not eating and binge drinking! It's just not going to happen. What do you want more.........partying and an unhealthy lifestyle or do you want a well defined good looking body??? You can't have both! It up to you......decide.
  • Chuck_Finley
    I think it's OK if you don't want to do strenuous exercise. I know I don't and I actually have more success with losing weight when I put my focus solely on my diet. I think you can still lose weight eating more though, even if you were in bed all day. Your BMR is the # of calories you burn just by staying alive and I know it must be more than 1500 for you.

    Are you male?

    Also I will eat more. I'll go for the 1,500. That shouldn't be a problem. I'll try to get a little light exercise in. Maybe I'll invest in some lighter weights. I can give up some drinking.
    I'm also completely willing to accept .5 pounds per week. That's great advice. I'm very open to slow loss. I don't need rapid loss.

    If I can work out at home, how often and how much am I aiming for? What muscles? I can easily do 40 pushups in a row and not feel winded. However, I'm definitely not strong.

    check out you are your own gym, or convict conditioning (both are body weight only exercise routines) they will tell you what to do and when to do it... no guess work involved.

    I'll see if I can find it.

    In the meantime, what do you think about the video that another poster linked?

    I think it seems simple enough. I can easily do this. If I maintain doing this a few days a week, eating 1,500 calories a day do you think that will be a good alternative/compromise to my original plan?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Is skipping meals OK? It depends on the person. I skip meals a lot (usually breakfast). I do a road trip every year, where I eat when I have time and when I am hungry or my blood sugar is low (I have type 1 diabetes). My "meal" schedules are completely unusual. When I do this, I drive at night and see/do stuff during the day. It is not unusual to stop and eat at a 24 hour restaurant at 3am, or to eat somewhere at 10pm.. or at whatever hour I need to eat something (truck stops often have something warm to eat 24 hours a day, even if it is just a gas station hot dog). Sometimes I eat larger meals, and sometimes I just get quick snacks. It isn't the end of the world from a calorie standpoint regardless. In my case, blood sugar can be an issue, but that can usually be fixed with a quick snack.

    As far as where this thread has gone... if you want to make some changes to your body, you need to change your habits. I realize you say you want to lose some fat, and that is great. But you are not morbidly obese. Toning and building your muscles will help burn fat because your BMR calories will increase. If you were 400 lbs., I would agree that you need to focus on losing fat and don't worry about building muscle. That is not the case. If you want to look better and lose that last bit of fat, cutting calories is just not going to get the job done. You are going to have to workout. You don't need a gym membership if you do some exercises at home, many of which do not require equipment. You also need to get proper nutrition in order to give your body what it needs to properly metabolize food, consume fat, and build muscle. Beer doesn't have much nutrition - you may want to cut back or eliminate that. I've cut back beer quite a bit myself, and I consider myself a beer snob (love Belgian and Irish ales). A multivitamin (make sure it says "from food" on the label as those are best absorbed) may help, but you will need some food with nutrients regardless.

    That is just my 2 cents - do with it what you wish.