6 months progess

kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
So I started 2/12/14 and gave myself a goal of 40 lbs in 6 months. I thought that was aggressive but possible. I didn't make it. What I did was stick with it for 6 months, lost 38 lbs and over 17 inches from my arms, chest, middle, hips and thighs. So I'm okay with not hitting that 40 lbs mark, I will. And I will hit my goal of getting to a healthy weight too.

42 years old
SW: 211
arms 15"
chest 42"
waist 39.5"
hips 48"
thigh 26"


CW: 173
arm 13"
chest 39"
waist 35.5"
hips 42.5"
thigh 23"


Here's what I'm doing. I get up 45 minutes to an hour earlier than I used to so I can exercise before work. I do this 5 days a week. I usaully take at least 1 of the weekend days off, sometimes both depending on how busy our weekend is. I also take my dog for a walk after dinner. I try to do that everyday but it ends up being 5-6 days a week. I track my calories on here. I haven't given anything up. If I want pizza, I'll have it but I try to limit how much I have by eating lots of veggies with or before. I try to keep my sweets to 150 calories a day but that doesn't always happen :)

Here are a couple more pictures. One is from last summer and the other from a few days ago. I'm wearing the same outfit.




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