lorishultis Posts: 95 Member
I hate, i mean HATE breakfast - healthy breakfast that is. I know how to do unhealthy but I cant seem to figure out a good healthy low carb breakfast.
I am diabetic; hypertensive and fat so I need help. I dont mind the salt too much because I have to deal with it on an everyday - I take water pills if something I am eating has a lot of salt and that seems to help, but the Carbs in breakfast foods kill me.

I am trying to find breakfast ideas under 20 (max 30) carbs. It seems for my body if my morning carb count is high I drag butt the rest of the day.

So please - before I start having dinner for breakfast and cereal for dinner - give me your ideas....


  • melindabrock
    melindabrock Posts: 91 Member
    Eggs! I eat eggs and sauté some veggies to mix in. I never get full on other stuff and this seems to fill me up. This morning I added some pork loin left over from dinner last night and it was delicious. I love me some toast so I just purposely forget I have bread in the house lol
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I agree - eggs. At the beginning of the week I boil a whole carton and toss them in the fridge. I grab a couple on my way out the door. Tons of nutrients packed into those little packages!

    Another of my go-to brekkies is plain greek yogurt with berries. If I'm feeling extra hungry I add some hemp hearts. This is a very satisfying breakfast (maybe sprinkle with stevia if you don't like the sour plain yogurt taste).

    Do you have a slow cooker? I sometimes make a few slow-cooker steel cut oats the night before, in mason jars. In the morning I grab one, add some berries and a splash of milk, toss it in my purse, and it's the perfect temp by the time I get to work. Here's a good recipe:

    Mornings are a rush for me so I need fast, easy, no fuss breakfasts.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    Why not eat dinner for breakfast if you want to? I love eggs in the morning, myself, but if you want to have chicken or rice and beans (for example), then go for it!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I had Tuna fish with Salsa for breakfast this morning, it was pretty awesome :-) I've never adhered to the belief that certain foods are for certain meals, I eat whatever any time of the day. So just pick a low carb meal you like and have it for breakfast :-)
  • a951queen
    a951queen Posts: 1 Member
    I make me 2 egg whites on a corn tortilla i throw in whatever i have cheese, vertables,ham. I usually take it to work and eat it with a cup of coffee delicious
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    i know it is "boring" but I find low fat greek yogurt is my go to (low carb (10 g per cup) and high protein)

    Add a cup of coffee with a bit of cream and viola

    (and every now and then have that bacon egg and chese in the AM ) then go run it off (so to speak)
  • shawnamay590
    shawnamay590 Posts: 12 Member
    Definitely eggs. If you have to go low carb for the sugar reasons, then no toast, but have bacon or turkey sausage with it. Also some low-fat cheese. I will scramble egg whites and add the cabot low fat white cheddar to them.

    I have to follow a low carb diet too....pre diabetic myself.

    If I'm in a hurry I will grab fat free greek yogurt and throw some sugar free jam in it. It tastes like a flavored yogurt without the added sugar.

    Another good go-to for me is the cake batter protein shake. It's amazing--just watch the added sugar contents of the protein scoops:

    Also think about the South Beach books for breakfast recipe ideas. They have a few that are pretty tasty.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Why not eat dinner for breakfast if you want to? I love eggs in the morning, myself, but if you want to have chicken or rice and beans (for example), then go for it!

    I do this a lot too. Just grab more leftovers. I love dinner food, I could eat it all the time.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    What is an "unhealthy breakfast"? :huh:
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    T2 here. My breakfast is:

    -1 serving of steel cut oats w/ 1/2 cup fresh blueberries (I add the blueberries in the beginning and cook them to release more of the sugar for flavor) *no other sugar is added, not even a zero calorie sweetener
    -1/2 cup of egg whites with 1/4 tsp olive oil (to cook in)
    -2 Tbsp of homemade salsa (on the eggs)

    300 cal - 40g carb - 7g fat - 20g protein - 9g sugar (7 from the blueberries)

    *I know you mentioned avoiding high carbs in the morning but you mentioned eating cereal so I think it's more of a what kind of carbs you are ingesting.

    *oatmeal is pretty much considered a valuable carb for a diabetic. Avoid the rolled oats or quick cook kind and go for the steel cut.

    *test your sugars before and after breakfast to see what works

    *No two Type 2 diabetics are the same. Everyone processes different

    *Join the Type 2 group on here. You'll get a little more tailored help from others who are in the same boat.
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    What is an "unhealthy breakfast"? :huh:

    Krispy Kreme
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    What is an "unhealthy breakfast"? :huh:

    Krispy Kreme

    That's a nasty breakfast. :sick:
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    Normally I eat vanilla greek yogurt or cottage cheese with a serving of fresh fruit. But my all time favorite thing in the morning is grilled chicken with spinach and cheese melted on top. Very low carb, super satisfying and quite tasty.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A cheese and veggie omelet. Easy, filling, yummy, low to no carbs.
  • nicoleromine
    nicoleromine Posts: 92 Member
    I have 2 go-to breakfasts, depending on my mood.

    I often eat a half of cup of greek yogurt with a teaspoon of maple syrup and 2 tablespoons of granola. (28 grams of carbs when I use Kind Granola Maple Walnut Clusters).

    If I'm in the mood for something hot and savory, I eat a frittata muffin. I usually make 6 of these at a time and use whatever I have on hand. For my last batch, I used 4 eggs, 3 tablespoons of greek yogurt, 1/4 cup of feta cheese, 6 slices of bacon, some leftover asparagus and spices (for that batch each muffin came out to 1 gram of carbs).

    Both of these breakfasts provide healthy fat and a decent amount of protein. Even better, they require no prep time in the morning, which is essential for me (otherwise I'll just grab some carb-filled crab).
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I made this for myself for this week and LOVE it. It has been keeping well in the fridge, so I made it Monday night to last me Tues-Friday. You could also use only egg whites if you wanted to.

    Same site but egg breakfast muffins instead... and with broccoli. I made these recently and enjoyed them as well. I also made them in advance and just re-heated them during the week. I didn't like these quite as much as the first link, though:

    With these items, I've been eating fruit and/or Greek yogurt, and it keeps me nice and full until lunch time.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I find it much easier to not lump foods into categories of good vs bad or healthy vs. unhealthy..... I have a set caloric intake with percentage of Macro's that I aim to hit everyday and I eat to achieve that goal with whatever food I choose to fill those calories with... I am Type 2 diabetic also... My breakfast can range from steak and eggs, if I am feeling hungry for it and have the time to grill it or cinnamon raisin muffins with natural crunchy peanut butter on them, etc, etc. I find it much easier to eat what I enjoy and fit it into my day regardless to whether it is breakfast, lunch, or dinner..... Best of Luck
  • catowen
    catowen Posts: 4 Member
    finally someone who eats steel cut oats too
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    T2 here. My breakfast is:

    -1 serving of steel cut oats w/ 1/2 cup fresh blueberries (I add the blueberries in the beginning and cook them to release more of the sugar for flavor) *no other sugar is added, not even a zero calorie sweetener
    -1/2 cup of egg whites with 1/4 tsp olive oil (to cook in)
    -2 Tbsp of homemade salsa (on the eggs)

    300 cal - 40g carb - 7g fat - 20g protein - 9g sugar (7 from the blueberries)

    *I know you mentioned avoiding high carbs in the morning but you mentioned eating cereal so I think it's more of a what kind of carbs you are ingesting.

    *oatmeal is pretty much considered a valuable carb for a diabetic. Avoid the rolled oats or quick cook kind and go for the steel cut.

    *test your sugars before and after breakfast to see what works

    *No two Type 2 diabetics are the same. Everyone processes different

    *Join the Type 2 group on here. You'll get a little more tailored help from others who are in the same boat.

    ^^ This
    I'm also type 2. I eat eggs for breakfast. I also likes beans. Not really an oatmeal person. This morning I had egg, cheese and salsa tacos. Good!

    There is a lot of good info in the type 2 group!