Is fluoxetine cheating?



  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    My husband says I just need to get out and do something, I'm "obviously bored and if I had a stressed job like him I wouldn't have all this time to analyse myself" (my poor husband he is also very supportive BTW but I obviously listen to the criticisms and he is highly driven and focused, he never has that "I can't be bothered" feeling) . However, I don't think I would function at work. I have days where I'm very slow, everything just tires me. Today is a good day, but many are not.

    That doesn't sound supportive at all. Mental illness is not something that gets better when you are busy. I can guarantee you from personal experience.

    Please take the time to check out this website. You will find education materials for how to discuss these issues with your husband.
  • lizchic82
    lizchic82 Posts: 46 Member
    OP, I find it hard to cope with the general 'stuff' in life everyone else seems to be able to cope with so easily. I have stopped beating myself up and telling myself that I am obviously pathetic, and to man up, instead, I understand my limits, and although I do try to push myself out of my comfort zone occasionally, so as not to become too insular and detached, I do try to have my life in such a way that I can cope better. Routine is good. Exercise is good. Don't swim if you don't like it. Go fast walking, or cycle, or do some crazy-arsed boot camp style class, or take up zumba, dancing, whatever, just move and you'll feel better.

    Sing, as loud as you want, to all the songs that resonate with you, sad or happy, no matter how crap you sound, this is a hell of a great way of releasing emotions (emotions are what you are trying to suppress by eating) And because you're caught up in a cycle of carb binging, you need to cut it to a stop - 2 or 3 days of headaches, but its so much easier to control the binge urges when you have your insulin back on a level. Its really pants, I know. I am still trying to work out how I can know all this, and still fall for it every time... the binges come from strong urges that are near impossible to fight. But arm yourself with every defense you have, and if thats medication, then do it. Try to save up for some hypnotherapy sessions or something too. Cognitive behavioral therapy... stuff like that xx