Diary analyse



  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    From yesterday:
    I'll go ahead and explain this again in this thread.

    Due to the height and weight you have stated in your previous thread, the way to get the body that you want is to eat more (particularly protein) and start a strength training regimen (lifting weights). Jogging will not give you muscle tone you're looking for and won't help much with body composition.

    Your fat percentage is normal and your weight is at the low end of normal. You don't need to lose any weight; if you are unhappy with the way you look the answer is to eat more and lift heavy stuff. The key to the conversation is that you have no reason to lose any more weight at your height. As explained before, you are only 6 pounds away from underweight. That is not an indication that you need to lose anything -- rather, it's an indication that you may weigh less than many other people of your same height who have the "thin" look you're looking for due to body composition.

    Eating less than 500 kcal is not the way to do this.

    I put your stats in Scooby's calculator (located here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/ ) and to achieve the goal you're looking for --- losing fat and gaining muscle (which will give you the lean look you're looking for), along with the amount of exercise you've said you do (at jogging for an hour plus a day), I'm showing you need to eat 2054 calories a day. Yeah, 4 times what you eat now. According to that calculator, your BMR is 1190 -- more than twice what you have said you eat -- and that's the amount of calories your body uses each day just to exist. Eating as little as you say you do will have long term detrimental effects to your health. Please take the advice this time and start eating more.

    OP please pay attention to this

    you do NOT need to lose any more weight. You need to gain muscle. You do that by doing strength training and eating properly. You need to eat 2054 cals/day just to keep your body functioning properly. Eat this much, and include plenty of protein, and do strength training. If you have access to free weights (e.g. at a gym) Stronglifts 5x5 is good. If not, then there are bodyweight only strength training programmes like you are your own gym and convict conditioning that you could do instead.

    If you carry on eating so little, you're going to damage your physical and mental health.
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    I am lifting weights third day now and opened even a topic aboutit few days ago ,because I wanted to write it simultaneously to my excersice diary. I am trying to add some excercises to it now, so that it can be seen for all.

    Have just one question: does weight lifting influence stomach and how much?
    I am doing also other excercises, and have to time to analyise which one is particularly the best.

    Maybe a day of strong excercising is not enough to se the results, butI was dong 3 x 30 strong excercises and me and my firned have a feeling of a littl echange (probanly position, becuase after excersising I had a feeling i ws contracting my stomach muschles authomatically, in the normal walk...hope U understood what I wanted to say...but I will definitely need time so that muscles STAY firm without involumtary contracting)
  • Izzy62
    Izzy62 Posts: 62 Member
    I don't anywhere, on any of your threads, see ANYONE suggesting you eat less. I suspect you will keep asking the same questions until you hear an answer you like.

    You're weight is fine, your diary looks better (not great, but better) over the last few days, you need to listen to the advice that is being given to you. This advice isn't going to change a great deal, so if it isn't what you want to hear, then stop asking the questions.

    I know it's difficult to eat more when it seems like you want to eat less, and believe me I'm no expert in nutrition, exercise or anything, but I can read the advice you have been given:

    Eat more in general; eat more protein in particular; use weight training as your "go to" exercise; and stop running over 2 hours a day and not eating back those calories you are burning.

    Good luck!
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    I put the pic in the topic"tips for flat stomach" (I wrote plain insteadoof flat I think) and one member ,who saw the pic, just wrote me: excercise more, eat less.

    That was just reaction to a pic, because she obviouly thought, when she saw my photo, that I was eating too much, according to my look, and that was my question actually.

    Btw, I just want the LOOK I wil like, regardless on answers...
  • pilvi3
    pilvi3 Posts: 200
    In the last days I opened the topic about food containing more proteins, because that was what I ws trying still 2 years.

    Problem: protein food, I mean protein food I ment as protein, contains usually more fats or carbohydrates THAN proteins. I started to search for food which contains bigger protein / fats & ration. Didi someone see the topic?

    I try to avoid everythign artefitial. I am taking 0.5 fat yohgurts and milk for 2 years (try to,!) But hey contain equal amounts of proteins and carbohydrates.

    I saw n shop some milk with protein /fats ratio 4:1 and protein/ carbohydrates 4:1, but it is quite expsnsive....I will see...I a mwaiting for advices, bestly little bit more creative...