Looking for healthy vacation eating ideas

Hello all,

I'm going to a nerd convention soon and will be staying for a week. Last year, I went completely overboard and ate too much of low quality food. I felt bad physically, and felt pretty embarrassed afterward.

This year, I'm going to do it differently. I've planned physical activity and am not going to dive head-first into the Oreos.

I definitely am a fan of "all things in moderation", but am still in the process of breaking some bad eating habits and want to keep the momentum going even while I'm on vacation. I'm looking for easy breakfast and lunch ideas that:
1 - Either don't need to be refrigerated, or take up minimal fridge space in the shared mini fridge
2 - Can be prepared and eaten with minimal dishes
3 - Doesn't need to be microwaved

I know protein bars and the like work for a lot of people, but I find those less satisfying and so would am looking for other alternatives. My ideas so far are Greek yogurt, nuts and fresh fruit. I am considering salads, but those can take up a lot of space.

What are some of your favorite foods?

Edit: Bonus points if it's more "meal-like" and less snacky. My brainstorming so far all looks like what I eat between meals, not as meals.


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Have you requested a room with a refrigerator? You can do that.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    - You could hardboil eggs before you go. It would take up a bit of room in the fridge, but doesn't require any dishes. (This might not work if you have to fly somewhere lol)

    - English muffins & peanut butter.

    - Buy a small carton of milk & a box of cereal.

    - Protein shakes are quick too.

    - I've also made instant oatmeal with a coffee pot before... just rinse it out well first to get some of the coffee flavour out. Run the water through, pour into a disposable bowl with the oats (Some hotel rooms may have a kettle.)
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    When I travel, I often prepare my own oatmeal packets. I put oatmeal, raisins, cinnamon, nuts and chia seeds in a ziplock bag. I take along a plastic bowl and some spoons. Use the coffeemaker to make hot water and pour over the mixture. You can get some yogurt to go with it.

    Get bread and lunch fixings with fruit and maybe some vegetables like baby carrots or snap peas and some fruit and make your own lunch.

    For dinner, have fun with friends and try to eat moderately, but if not, enjoy your food and company. You might not lose weight eating like this, but you won't do as badly as you would if you ate out all three meals. And you'll save some money.
  • Kate_Bot
    Kate_Bot Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Yep, we've already requested a room with a fridge. It's a small one, though, and I am sharing with 4 people so I have to be conservative with space.

    ShibaEars, great suggestions. The instant oatmeal tip is a new one for me. I love oatmeal, too, so that's a total win. :)
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    How about
    -garlic hummus and carrot sticks
    -peanut butter and celery
    -those tuna packets that come with crackers, or even flavored tuna packets (gotta have the protein)

    Have fun!
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    One of the greatest travel foods I've found lately is PB2, that powdered peanut butter. Easy to travel with, just grab a jar to take with you. Mix up whatever amount you want with water. I will have PB2 and some good crackers or whole-wheat tortillas, actually, for breakfast. Or add veggies and have that and some deli meat for lunch.

    I also hard-boil (and pre-peel!) eggs when I travel, that and some pre-cooked bacon (or grab bacon from the hotel mini-breakfast if they serve that).
  • Kate_Bot
    Kate_Bot Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the help, everyone. There were a lot of things I didn't think of, like eggs, sandwiches and PB2.

    I'm feeling much more prepared now. :)