A new day

Here I am again wanting to try and do better. Maybe if I get started over enough times I will accept the fact that I have to keep track of what I am eating. With that maybe feel obligated to myself to continue walking and getting in some exercise. I have once again let myself think I am handling things ok and get on the scales and the 10 pounds I just lost - I found again. I am 55 and getting the belly bulge. I am so disappointed with myself. I need some encouragement and self discipline. :angry: :grumble:


  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Don't be disappointed. It happens to us all. This gets harder as you get older. I'm struggling with the belly also. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror. I am determined to keep track of everything. I think even if we fall we should just get back up on the bike again. We are not perfect. Add me and we can inspire each other. Good Luck

  • sydsquidlee
    sydsquidlee Posts: 51 Member
    Dont ever be disappointed in yourself, we all have struggles and we all have days or weeks or even months we "fall of the wagon." You can do whatever you set you mind to. Make eating and working out fun. I love walking my dogs or taking my kids on a bike ride. I go to the out door mall and walk laps with my friends. It about being active and healthy. I have discovered a local indoor pool so I can swim in the winter. Eating habits can be hard to break. So every two weeks I try and change something. I set little goals like no soda or no fast food. If I make it the two weeks I reward myself with letting myself buy something, new earrings.... Its about celebrated the triumphs and letting go of the other times. =] you can do it! =]
  • cdl42
    cdl42 Posts: 41
    All right that's enough of that been there done that. You are done with losing that same weight we can do this together. This is our lives and we do want them back. We can not and will not quit are you with me. Then add me as a friend. I warn you I will get involved and I will message you and check in on you, but I will try to do it in a caring and motivational way. I am done with friends that think it's funny to make constant excuses about over eating for this reason or that. I mean I completely understand treats now and then, but left and right and with all the excusese in the world.

    We have to do this so we are going to have to fight a little, sweat a lot, remind ourselves often of why we want this so bad and we will get stronger. :drinker:
  • CKMillson
    CKMillson Posts: 44 Member
    Declaring that it is time to start over is the first step. I have sent you a friend request. At 47 I can relate to the mid life issues (read belly issues). Mine seems to be very fond of me but I want to break up with it!