Snacking During The Day At Work



  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    You can bring carrot and/or celery sticks. Not too many calories. Sugar snap peas.
    Personally I only bring one or two snacks to work because otherwise I will eat them all and I usually do before lunch time. Pre-log your food.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Are you hungry or bored? If you think of food as fuel, it turns eating into a whole new mindset.

    Are you drinking enough water?
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Are you hungry or bored? If you think of food as fuel, it turns eating into a whole new mindset.

    Are you drinking enough water?

    Bored, not hungry.
    And yes, about 2L per day at work. More water at home but I don't know exactly how much.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    It's a mind game that you have to play with yourself, then.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Are you snacking and eating on a lot of carbs? If so, it helped me to switch to a high-protein/low carb diet. I was a carb monster and carbs made me wanna eat when I was not hungry. On a low carb diet I don't have the carb or sugar cravings.

    YES definitely more carbs than protein. I guess nuts would be the best snack-type vegan product for this?

    This carb loading could also be spiking and dipping your blood sugars. Try looking at the Glycemic index combined with Carbohydrate load (how many physical grams and thus calories) and pick the lower GI with lower calorie fruits and veggies. It's something that I like to look at since I'm predisposed to diabetes. It sounds like the vicious carb/sugar cycle if your stomach legitimately is growling. Now that I've lowered carb and sugar levels throughout the day, I've gotten better at the snacking. The only time I allow myself a carb heavier meal is breakfast. All other times, I really try and keep the fruits to low cal and low GI fruits so that my carb count doesn't go crazy. I've found I'm not as hungry throughout the day.
  • bramble345
    bramble345 Posts: 50 Member
    I used to do this a lot a lot when i was bored out of my tree in a desk job. Kept a stash of fruit teas, mint especially is nice even when it goes cold which helped What didn't help when my colleagues bringing in home baking to share, and they were really good cooks, like everyday. I've taken the plunge and left, retraining for a much more active job that i'm interested in.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I find baby carrots last well, are filling, and are healthy.

    You might want to consider keeping fresh snack like veggies and fruit in a small cooler at your desk if you don't have a fridge nearby.

    On this note.....matchstick carrots (Bolthouse is the brand) last really well. You could eat these 1 "stick" at a time...for hours.

    Hot air popcorn. Keep 1 or 2 little snack size bags in your desk. Pre-measure, that way you know what you're eating.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Plan and pre-log your snacks. Space them out over the course of your work day and when you've eaten them all, just suck it up. I don't mean that in a mean way at all...I wouldn't seriously say "suck it up" as advice normally.

    About the stomach growling fear...I do understand sometimes people have some kind of irrational fears and phobias. I am a fellow anxiety sufferer, and I am really freaked out by people wearing scrubs and could NEVER wear scrubs for a job. So if your stomach growling fear is real, I'm not trying to talk you out of it...however, do you realize that in most situations even at work, having some growly sounds from your stomach isn't that big of a deal? I think most people would barely even notice or if they did it wouldn't be a huge issue to them at all. Better than farting or a constant cough.

    Good luck!

    There's a woman at my job who constantly coughs and it drives me nuts, mainly because I'm afraid she has some year long cold and I'm going to get sick.

    But I agree with pre-logging snacks and lunch. I have the same snack at lunch, a serving of Teddy Grahams (mid-morning snack) and a Kashi granola bar (drive home snack). Each snack keeps me from being getting so hungry that I throw all of my hard work out of the window. I especially need the snack for my drive home so I can get a evening workout in (if my routine calls for it) and tide myself over until dinner.

    I live by snacking. But snack smartly.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I chew gum at work. It really helped me cut back my snacking. I get bored and I want to eat, having gum some how magically helps.
  • S_Murphree
    Since I see your profile says you're vegetarian, what about adding peanut butter to your diet. I know it's high in calories but it's a good fat and has protein. I like popcorn, yogurt, fresh fruit, fiber bars, boiled eggs. Cucumbers are my favorite because low cal. I found if I balance fiber, protein and carb that I feel better but I'm no expert. Good luck. You can do it.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I should be eating 1200 calories - *sigh* - the rest of my meals are fine for the most part aha it's those annoying snacks that increase it over 1200.

    What did you set your weekly weight loss goal to in MFP? Try reducing down a bit so you could have more calories to eat.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I should be eating 1200 calories - *sigh* - the rest of my meals are fine for the most part aha it's those annoying snacks that increase it over 1200.

    What did you set your weekly weight loss goal to in MFP? Try reducing down a bit so you could have more calories to eat.

    I agree. She could probably be eating more calories.