Getting periods back to be weight restored, what about guys?



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Actually a woman's cycle is dependent on BF...not weight.

    I suspect that is why you are being told to gain more.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Hello Aquaberry,

    I have seen a couple of threads from you this week about your ED. You definitely need to talk to your doctor about your situation with your period. If you would like a recommendation from me (a non-clinical, online stranger), I would suggest upping your dietary fat intake as your hormones regulate your period, and it sounds as if that may not have normalized.

    Now, about the situation with your ED... while you seem to have conquered the physically damages aspects of ED, I am not entirely certain that you have conquered the mentally and emotionally damaging aspects of ED. Previously, you have been advised to see a therapist. I believe this is a solid recommendation for you. You are on a slippery slope. Physically, you have recovered, but you still seem to be holding on to some of the harmful thinking of your ED that caused you to physically damage your body in the first place.

    Addicts and alcoholics will display very similar behavior where they believe they have conquered addiction because they have not used or abused substances for a long period of time and their lives are getting back on track. But at the same time, they still hold on to patterns of thinking that are reminiscent of their addiction. Failing to change those thought patterns can often lead people to a relapse.

    I am suggesting, dear, that while you have physically restored your health, your ED is still pervading your mentality, and could potentially cause you to relapse. Please seek some therapy.

    ETA: I actually did not read any of the responses before posting this. Aquaberry, I feel like you might be getting overwhelmed with the process. This is also dangerous and triggering for you. Please stop asking the internet for advice. Talk to your doctor and talk to a therapist, perhaps even a psychologist. We only want to see you succeed, but not everyone can deliver the message with careful tact and consideration of your present state of mind.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    I feel like I've gone too fat anyway and have done so much damage to my body there is no turning back and I need to just end the stupid weight gain and get a hysterectomy. And stop recommending a therapist please I just got in contact with one today and am waiting to hear back.

    Yep, obviously your only solution is to have organs surgically removed from your body. I'm surprised each and every reply wasn't a suggestion to talk to a professional.

    People are recommending you speak to someone because you're clearly not ok. I know you say you feel it's unfair to qualify as normal because of not getting a period yet but going to the other extreme and thinking a hysterectomy is a reasonable idea for a 20 year old girl with no current issues is very very clearly NOT ok. Your emotions by saying you got too fat and all that, when you totally are not, are other indicators that you're NOT ok. We're trying to help as best we can, but we are not medical professionals.

    I told you this before and I might have to reiterate again...I already lost half my reproductive organs because I had near ovarian cancer to be more specific. My hormones are NOT only messed up due to weight loss, they are screwed up due to another additional medical condition! So why bother? It might happen anyways, having stuff removed!

    Death is gonna happen anyway, but people generally want to live. Unless your doc thinks that the removal of the organs would better protect you from the development of cancer, then it's not a good idea. You uterus is in you for a reason, and you can suffer some bad effects when you have a gaping cavity inside you.

    Here are some side-effects of a hysterectomy:
    Urinary incontinence
    Vaginal prolapse (part of the vagina coming out of the body)
    Fistula formation (an abnormal connection that forms between the vagina and bladder)
    Chronic pain

    You think things are a pain for you now? It can get a lot worse.
  • Aquaburry
    I already said on my other thread that I am waiting to hear back from a therapist, in the meantime these answers keep pouring in.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    I already said on my other thread that I am waiting to hear back from a therapist, in the meantime these answers keep pouring in.

    Don't like the answer. Don't ask the question.

    Obviously you have unhealthy perceptions as to your weight. There is no other advice anyone here can give you. So I don't understand why you are expecting anything different.
  • SharpieV
    SharpieV Posts: 26 Member
    Weight/BF percentage issues aside, I'm going to argue with one poster who claimed it's "not normal" to want part of your body gone. So far, I am a very successful adult, I'll be 30 soon, and I have wished that someone would spay me like a dog or cat for my entire life. I have no intent of reproducing and find all the things associated with the normal human reproductive cycle painful, disgusting, and darned inconvenient. I too have been told by (male) doctors that they're smarter and better informed than me and will not do an elective surgery because "one day you'll change your mind." Aside from how chauvinistic, patronizing and insulting that is, it's offensive to me that their opinion of my own body and discomfort is more important than my own. I live in my body. Thank you very much. I know plenty of healthy women who are post-hysterectomy (or ovariectomy, or ovariohysterectomy), and I know that neither my current or future health nor my sense of self reside in my uterus. That does not make me abnormal.

    To the end of avoiding the entire bad joke of female human biology, I have been able to get hormonal birth control that stops me from cycling all together, which is a godsend. I agree that normal cycling is a sign of health in females and that not cycling is a sign of problems unless there is a clear, non-health threatening explanation. But I also understand the OP's reluctance to go back to it. Further talks with a doc are probably warranted, but if a higher body fat is recommended for good health, there are still ways to avoid menstruation that don't involve putting your entire body in a stressed, unhealthy state, even if they won't agree to a hysterectomy.
  • Aquaburry
    Weight/BF percentage issues aside, I'm going to argue with one poster who claimed it's "not normal" to want part of your body gone. So far, I am a very successful adult, I'll be 30 soon, and I have wished that someone would spay me like a dog or cat for my entire life. I have no intent of reproducing and find all the things associated with the normal human reproductive cycle painful, disgusting, and darned inconvenient. I too have been told by (male) doctors that they're smarter and better informed than me and will not do an elective surgery because "one day you'll change your mind." Aside from how chauvinistic, patronizing and insulting that is, it's offensive to me that their opinion of my own body and discomfort is more important than my own. I live in my body. Thank you very much. I know plenty of healthy women who are post-hysterectomy (or ovariectomy, or ovariohysterectomy), and I know that neither my current or future health nor my sense of self reside in my uterus. That does not make me abnormal.

    To the end of avoiding the entire bad joke of female human biology, I have been able to get hormonal birth control that stops me from cycling all together, which is a godsend. I agree that normal cycling is a sign of health in females and that not cycling is a sign of problems unless there is a clear, non-health threatening explanation. But I also understand the OP's reluctance to go back to it. Further talks with a doc are probably warranted, but if a higher body fat is recommended for good health, there are still ways to avoid menstruation that don't involve putting your entire body in a stressed, unhealthy state, even if they won't agree to a hysterectomy.

    Good to know!
  • Aquaburry
    I already said on my other thread that I am waiting to hear back from a therapist, in the meantime these answers keep pouring in.

    Don't like the answer. Don't ask the question.

    Obviously you have unhealthy perceptions as to your weight. There is no other advice anyone here can give you. So I don't understand why you are expecting anything different.

    Ok, all kidding aside, you come off as very angry and like you have something against me when you comment on ANY of my posts, so it is pretty annoying. If I already told everyone I am getting a therapist, why do they feel the need to comment AGAIN and tell me I need a therapist. That would be redundant. And they could figure that I got enough answers after 10 other people say to get a therapist, I say OK and do it, and then, again and again, someone else says 'get a therapist.' I get it. Why comment the same thing when you can see 10 other people recommended it and I took their advice?
  • fangedneko
    fangedneko Posts: 133 Member
    you come off as very angry and like you have something against me when you comment on ANY of my posts

    Because you're looking to be offended. Stop it.
  • bullofheaven
    bullofheaven Posts: 32 Member
    Good luck I hope you get better. I don't see what your statements in your OP have to do with under weight men having ED.

    But to answer it. A sickly under weight man would probably have jacked up sperm (bad morphology and weird defects) as opposed to have ED/ if a man were to be so under weight and so nutrient deficient as to not be able to have an erection, I would think that man wold be knocking on heavens door so to speak. Kind of like how a women without her period is prob knockin on heavens door.
  • Aquaburry
    you come off as very angry and like you have something against me when you comment on ANY of my posts

    Because you're looking to be offended. Stop it.

    I can assure you, I am not...
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I already said on my other thread that I am waiting to hear back from a therapist, in the meantime these answers keep pouring in.

    Don't like the answer. Don't ask the question.

    Obviously you have unhealthy perceptions as to your weight. There is no other advice anyone here can give you. So I don't understand why you are expecting anything different.

    Ok, all kidding aside, you come off as very angry and like you have something against me when you comment on ANY of my posts, so it is pretty annoying. If I already told everyone I am getting a therapist, why do they feel the need to comment AGAIN and tell me I need a therapist. That would be redundant. And they could figure that I got enough answers after 10 other people say to get a therapist, I say OK and do it, and then, again and again, someone else says 'get a therapist.' I get it. Why comment the same thing when you can see 10 other people recommended it and I took their advice?

    Because in all of your conversations, it's the thing that stands out the most. One can't help but keep coming back to it. I don't mean to sound harsh, but you've got a lot to work out & it's only natural for that to be reflected in your thoughts & by extension, how your posts read. So don't take it personally.

    You will want to discuss this with someone more capable of helping you work it out and in the meantime, do expect to hear more of 'speak to a professional'.

    We are just internet people.

    We will reflect back at you, the glaringly obvious but you easily side step it, leaving us with either one of 2 choices: silence or to tell you to speak to someone who can help you.

    You sound like a really nice girl, really, you do. Don't take it personally :drinker:

    edited for typos
  • Aquaburry
    I already said on my other thread that I am waiting to hear back from a therapist, in the meantime these answers keep pouring in.

    Don't like the answer. Don't ask the question.

    Obviously you have unhealthy perceptions as to your weight. There is no other advice anyone here can give you. So I don't understand why you are expecting anything different.

    Ok, all kidding aside, you come off as very angry and like you have something against me when you comment on ANY of my posts, so it is pretty annoying. If I already told everyone I am getting a therapist, why do they feel the need to comment AGAIN and tell me I need a therapist. That would be redundant. And they could figure that I got enough answers after 10 other people say to get a therapist, I say OK and do it, and then, again and again, someone else says 'get a therapist.' I get it. Why comment the same thing when you can see 10 other people recommended it and I took their advice?

    Because in all of your conversations, it's the thing that stands out the most. One can't help but keep coming back to it. I don't mean to sound harsh, but you've got a lot to work out & it's only natural for that to be reflected in your thoughts & by extension, how your posts read. So don't take it personally.

    You will want to discuss this with someone more capable of helping you work it out and in the meantime, do expect to hear more of 'speak to a professional'.

    We are just internet people.

    We will reflect back at you, the glaringly obvious but you easily side step it, leaving us with either one of 2 choices: silence or to tell you to speak to someone who can help you.

    You sound like a really nice girl, really, you do. Don't take it personally :drinker:

    edited for typos

    I understand :). It is just that certain people on here have a way of delivering it that is less helpful and more 'Holier than thou' attitude-y. Some people like to be all like: 'See a shrink' whereas others are more kind and say things like, 'It would probably be helpful for you to have someone to talk to.' And I know I will hear both online, I'm a big girl and I can handle it I guess, I just like to have the opportunity to defend myself against what is basically internet bullies and respond kindly to those who help.