How to start working out?

Aries_95 Posts: 45 Member
I get tired so easily! I have to lose 80 lbs and i'm 20 years old :( i cant workout more than 10 minutes of cardio i get so tired! and i get bored of walking! I love resistance training though.. I don't know how should i start? how much should i increase the time each week\day? I know nothing about this :( I know I should go for 60 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week at least! My body fat percentage is SO HIGH im very scared i want to lose fat not just weight! I want to become fit please help me? my doctor gave me a "diet" to follow and told me if i cant i should just try to eat healthy in my required calorie intake.. thanks :)


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I get tired so easily! I have to lose 80 lbs and i'm 20 years old :( i cant workout more than 10 minutes of cardio i get so tired! and i get bored of walking! I love resistance training though.. I don't know how should i start? how much should i increase the time each week\day? I know nothing about this :( I know I should go for 60 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week at least! My body fat percentage is SO HIGH im very scared i want to lose fat not just weight! I want to become fit please help me? my doctor gave me a "diet" to follow and told me if i cant i should just try to eat healthy in my required calorie intake.. thanks :)

    how much are you eating?
    why SHOULD you do 60 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week, at least?

    start small and work your way up, especially since you are doing both a diet and adding in fitness. it's usually best to gradually work them in so you dont change too much too soon and get burned out.

    start resistance training now. if you really want to workout 5-6 days a week then split it up between 2-3 days of resistance work and 2-3 days of cardio. if you get tired after 10 minutes then take a break, catch your breath and go another 10 minutes. eventually you wont need the breaks
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    Instead of trying to do it all at once, break it up during the day. If your goal is say 30 minutes of cardio a day- make it 3 10 minute sessions. I'd say build up a minute at a time and listen to your body. Every step forward you take, you are that much closer to your goals. If you only take a five minute walk- you are still way ahead of tthe person sitting on the couch. Good luck and feel free to add me, if you like!

    XOXO- Glynis
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Cardio will help you burn calories, which is great for allowing you to eat more and still maintain a deficit, and it has lots of other benefits for cardiovascular health...but it's not strictly necessary to lose weight.

    So first, if you want to start weight training, start with a simple program. StrongLifts is an app you can download on your phone for free. It's a 5x5 program, which means you lift a heavy weight for 5 reps, and 5 sets. There's 3 compound lifts per workout. Even with the rests between sets, it only takes about 40 minutes, and you can progress pretty far, but eventually you'll probably get bored.

    Once you are more comfortable with the weightroom and have made a little progress and are ready to branch out a little, a program like The New Rules of Lifting or Strong Curves will help you branch out a bit with more moves, including some accessory lifts. Both come in the form of books which outline the exercises in depth, and both have several different routines that you switch between, as well as progressions from beginner to advanced, so they'll help keep you from getting bored.

    To revisit the cardio, though, have you considered just doing a treadmill or elliptical while multitasking? My gym has wifi, so I watch Netflix on my phone or tablet while I run intervals on the treadmill. I find that I can go for a really long time if I'm watching something to distract my eye from the clock. Another option is to make your cardio have a purpose, like riding a bike to somewhere, instead of just riding aimlessly, or walking to the store. I live almost exactly 1.5 miles from a Wal-mart, so I sometimes walk there, wander around the store, and then walk back home. Is there anywhere within a 1-2 mile radius that you frequent?