I feel like a huge failure

I dont know my head hurts.
I can never diet or exercise the way i want to..i overeat and suck at exercising.... Im signed up for a gym, but im scared to go. I dont feel like in life I am good at anything...like I am literally good at nothing...and ive been looking for a job and i finally got my first job interview...and got accepted for my first job ever....turns out it was a scam and its been downhill for a job ever since
nothing can go right ...also some real personal stuff is going on not with family or anything but outside of it that is really bothering me and like everytime i think about it i get physically sick and dont know why???

im over it :(


  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    I totally understand about feeling overwhelmed with life.

    Some people are able to take everything in stride and don't get stressed out easily. For others, not so much. I have anxiety, so for me, it's almost a constant struggle to take life one step at a time and not worry about the future or internalize every little thing that happens. It can be hard.

    It sounds like you have a lot going on right now. Don't be so hard on yourself. Life is messy. That can make things terrifying, but it can also make things great. Be patient with yourself and don't try to completely overhaul everything all at once - baby steps will still take you in the direction you want to go. Maybe make a list of things you want to change, starting with your highest priority, and work on one thing at a time.

    As far as diet and exercise go, start small with those things too. You don't have to go to a gym to workout. There are lots and lots of free workouts on YouTube and Fitness Blender that you can do in the privacy of your own home with minimal or no equipment. For the first year of my fitness journey, I never set foot in a gym. I just did YouTube videos and workout dvds, and I lost 60 pounds that way. I also didn't overhaul my diet. I just added more veggies ,trimmed down my portion sizes, and continued to eat everything I liked. I just made it fit into my calorie goal. Small changes can turn into big changes. :smile:
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I dont know my head hurts.
    I can never diet or exercise the way i want to..i overeat and suck at exercising.... Im signed up for a gym, but im scared to go. I dont feel like in life I am good at anything...like I am literally good at nothing...and ive been looking for a job and i finally got my first job interview...and got accepted for my first job ever....turns out it was a scam and its been downhill for a job ever since
    nothing can go right ...also some real personal stuff is going on not with family or anything but outside of it that is really bothering me and like everytime i think about it i get physically sick and dont know why???

    im over it :(

    You sound like you're in a pretty bleak place right now. Feeling physically ill from stress and believing you're literally good for nothing is no way to go through life. Do you have a trusted friend, maybe someone a bit older, you can confide in, or any way you could see a counselor or therapist?

    As for weight loss and exercise, maybe start by getting outside and moving more, walking or riding a bike. The fresh air and movement lift many people's moods--might not work for you, but it's worth a try.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member