Work in progress (w/face pic)

Name: Tammy
Age: 25
SW: 240
CW: 197
GW: 160 (for now)

Like most of the other posts you see, I too have been overweight my whole life. I acquired terrible eating habits by my overweight parents and those habits stuck around longer than they should have. I've lost small amounts of weight in the past by strict diets that always fall through because I had never allowed myself to have anything that I wanted because I was on a "diet" until it would get too hard and I would call quits. In the past it was always sugar free everything, low fat everything, and I would push the limits trying to eat as much as possible without going over. I have now learned new habits that help a lot, for one quality not quantity. I no longer buy sugar free items or low fat items. I use portion control and eat less (but more nutritious) food, and I also allow myself to have bad days as long as I continue to log and be aware of what I am putting in my body. Then I start again the next day as a new day and I am back on track. I go to the gym about 2 times a week and will start picking up more days as I lose a little more weight. 42 pounds later and I can tell a huge difference. Thanks to all those who post success stories, it is what keeps me going and going!


I will post again when I get closer to my GW :)


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