INSANITY workout guilt?!

So I started insanity and I just finished day 3. During the workout, I was pouring sweat, out of breath, muscles burning... I could definitely feel it. Being 50-60 lbs overweight, I can't exactly keep up with their pace. I have to take breaks to let my heart rate go down. When I'm done with the workout I can't help but feel like I could have worked harder. I feel almost ashamed that I didn't try harder to move faster. This happens every time, almost to the point that I want to do the DVD again or hop on the treadmill. I tell myself "Work for progress, not perfection," but it doesn't always work.
Has anyone else had these feelings with insanity or any other workout plan? How do I get past the feeling of guilt? I don't know how to tell myself I'm doing an okay job.



  • Independent8652
    If you can make it through the video with breaks. You are awesome. Don't forget no one is perfect and those videos are exactly what the name says insane. I have tried them, but after day 2 and feeling like I should have done more and sweat dripping from every pore in my body with no improvement. I gave up. waiting on movers to arrive to try it again. Congratulations for sticking to it. Definitely not easy.
  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    i dont push myself hard enough so i wouldnt know
  • tonydivine1
    congrats on your progress! and I know exactly how you feel, I've been doing insanity for almost a month and slowly ive been getting better and taking fewer breaks, and sometimes I do feel like I can do more but you have to give your body a chance to recover. Form over speed, each day getting stronger and stronger
  • healthyfoxx
    healthyfoxx Posts: 104 Member
    I have to remind myself that it isn't a race. It isn't a perfection contest, and I'm not competing with anyone to see how fast I can lose weight. I don't need to be 100% all the time in all areas. It's a difficult way of thinking for a lot of people (myself included).

    If I get through the workout and feel like did what I set out to do - great! If I get through it, but feel like it was an "off" day, that is still great, because I at least did SOMETHING when it is so easy to do nothing. Hell, even if I can't complete the workout all the way, it is still a positive thing because I at least got out there and tried it. I can always try again the next day.