celebrity or celebrities who motivated you to get in shape?

I'd like to hear different people's stories if they had a celebrity whose physique they admired that inspired them to get into shape. Mine was Brad Pitt, his body in fight club and snatch was on point! Christian Bale somewhat as well not just for his physiques in his different movies but the dedication the guy has and what he puts his body through to play certain roles, I have the utmost respect for him.


  • beast8618
    beast8618 Posts: 35 Member
    I have started my lifestyle change with the idea that I would love to get down to the physique of Jason Statham. Once I have reached my goal, then I would turn around and begin my transformation into Dwayne The Rock Johnson. I have always admired his dedication and the benefits of his training. They are my role models!!
  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    no because theyre all on celltech
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    My mom! It's almost a sin to look as good as she does in her 60s.
  • superblahok
    superblahok Posts: 7 Member
    I think Christina Hendricks and Demi Lovato are gorgeous. They're not fighting their natural body shape, type, or weight, but they are still healthy and beautiful.
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    I'd love to look like Jessica Biel. I wouldn't say though that she's what initially made me want to change.

    I'm not a guy, but Josh Peck is pretty inspiring too. He lost about 100 pounds and did it within a good time frame (1 1/2 years). I get the impression that most celebrities who lose weight or get fit for roles rush through it and don't do it in a healthy way.
