Anyone in the ketosis club, how's your keto diet going?

Mine's going pretty good, I've been in ketosis I want to say roughly almost two weeks, kinda screwed up last tuesday and went on a full on carb binge, cheesecake, toast, raspberry pie but I've done excellent this week, the lethargy, sickness and tiredness have gone away although I still get more lightheaded than normal, a lot easier than I used to. I gotta say the weight is melting off and out of everything I've tried and believe me I've tried a lot, keto is the way to go in my opinion.

but that's enough about me I'd like to hear other people's stories and progress and maybe some tips or advice, i'm still a noob at this haha.


  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Been keto-ing for over a year. I'm down to the final 15-20 lbs, so my progress is slower now. I started out at 165, and am down to 139 today. Been gaining and losing the same couple of lbs for months now, which is frustrating, but normal. I'm hoping to get down to 120 and maintain from there. I used to eat high carb and low fat and it was getting me nowhere. I love eating this way. I get to experiment with different recipes and the foods are just so much more tasty!
  • could just eat everything at a calorie deficit and save yourself all the drama.

    trust me I've tried that haha I also never feel full or satisfied when doing that either and I really have no self control when it comes to eating certain foods I like in moderation. Keto has really helped me with this issue I've had plus I've really learned to enjoy eating the foods I eat now, you never appreciate bacon more than when you're on a keto diet!
  • Been keto-ing for over a year. I'm down to the final 15-20 lbs, so my progress is slower now. I started out at 165, and am down to 139 today. Been gaining and losing the same couple of lbs for months now, which is frustrating, but normal. I'm hoping to get down to 120 and maintain from there. I used to eat high carb and low fat and it was getting me nowhere. I love eating this way. I get to experiment with different recipes and the foods are just so much more tasty!
    That's awesome congrats! yeah I messed around with high carb diets for way too long and just never felt full or anything and overate to compensate for that which slowed killed my progress. Seriously there are some really good recipes out there that you wouldn't think of in any other situation but on a keto diet, it really makes you think outside the box.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member could just eat everything at a calorie deficit and save yourself all the drama.

    What drama? We just eat differently than you do. I still eat at a deficit, but low carb and high fat makes it easier to do so for me. I also feel better eating this way. Too many carbs make me feel super sluggish and gross.
  • MissyAZjourney
    MissyAZjourney Posts: 96 Member
    there's always at least one hater. I wonder if they would like me going into all their deficit posts and telling them they are doing it wrong.

    I've had more energy since i became Keto Adapted than i've had in years. My joint pain is almost completely gone. That is enough for me.

    So...its going great...Oh...and no drama!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I'm transitioning to low carb (<50 net g per day) from keto but struggling a little :blushing: I started at 163# and I'm down to 126# for quite a while now. I'd decided to move to maintenance while I continue with my weight training to see if that gets me to where I want to be. I'm 5' tall, 45 yrs old.

    So far, so good =)

    More energy in the gym, no weight gain, even though it's only been 2 weeks, I think this will work. My blood sugar is still in flux but numbers are still within normal limits. So while I'm not enjoying crazy low numbers like I was @ < 20g/day, FBG is under 100 mg/dl & PP under 120 mg/dl.

    Even though my weight hasn't changed, I seem to be getting more solid, less jiggly & my clothes are fitting better. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the way things are going. I'm aiming for losing body fat & normal blood sugars :drinker:
  • hookilau that's awesome, its amazing the energy and good feeling you get once you start adapting, I read a really good quote somewhere that said something like "you'll notice results in the mirror way faster than you will on the scale, in ketosis"
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    hookilau that's awesome, its amazing the energy and good feeling you get once you start adapting, I read a really good quote somewhere that said something like "you'll notice results in the mirror way faster than you will on the scale, in ketosis"

    I agree! I've been at this for more than a year & I think I took the '<20 g/day' as far as it would take me, in terms of weight loss & blood sugar numbers. I'm far more in tune with what's going on with my body thanks to keto :drinker:
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I have been doing 30 grams of net carbs or less for about 4 weeks now and have lost 14 pounds.. I am wondering if I should be going lower to get into ketosis.... Should I be shooting for 20 a day???
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    You may want to get out the keto boards of MFP because there's always going to be people with the "Just eat a calorie deficit and eat whatever you want". How you get to your calorie deficit should be what works for you.

    I've been recommitted to low carb and have dropped 11 lbs over 3 or so weeks. I feel satisfied and more energy and less sluggish. That isn't the case for everyone that tries low carb, but that keeps me committed to low carb.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I have been doing 30 grams of net carbs or less for about 4 weeks now and have lost 14 pounds.. I am wondering if I should be going lower to get into ketosis.... Should I be shooting for 20 a day???

    If you are losing and feeling satisfied on 30g per day, I don't think you HAVE to. Looks like you are looking to lose a good amount of weight, so you are probably just fine. I would focus more on your macros then specific carbs when comparing them to someone else.
  • nwright77
    nwright77 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been on a Keto plan since January and have lost almost 40lb to date. I say almost as I have gone up slightly this past week as I overindulged on a homemade chocolate cheesecake! ;0) I find that I steadily lose weight when I hit 30g or less net carbs a day, the funny thing being that if I eat a lot of fibre-rich food (15g fibre a day or more) I end up not losing weight at all! Does anyone else experience that?
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    What macro ratio are you folks using ? I seem to have settled in at a 45-45-10 after a few months of dialing in my food choices.

    My net carbs are usually 25 or less, not because I am trying to make it that way it just turns out that way based on the foods I have chosen to get all my nutrients from. Lots of chicken, brocoli,spinach and mushrooms.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    What macro ratio are you folks using ? I seem to have settled in at a 45-45-10 after a few months of dialing in my food choices.

    My net carbs are usually 25 or less, not because I am trying to make it that way it just turns out that way based on the foods I have chosen to get all my nutrients from. Lots of chicken, brocoli,spinach and mushrooms.

    I do 75/20/5 for my macros. I try to keep my net carbs under 30. Sometimes I go as low as 20 and under, but not often. I don't mind though because I lose even when carbs are 40.
  • catpea33
    catpea33 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm just getting back on the keto wagon after moving across the country (so lots of driving and service station carby food) and it's going well. I can see I've lost some of the weight I had put on but my scales are still in a box somewhere so I'm not sure how much I've lost. I'm also really enjoying eating real food again! Eggs, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes for breakfast this morning and slow-cooked beef and veggie stew for lunch so far today. Yum.
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    I'm loving the Ketogenic Diet. My doctor actually suggested I up my fat and protein intake. I'm not following a certain percentage, but found a group called Optimal Ketogenic Living that uses your height to tell you what you should be eating

    Protein - at least 97 g
    Fat- At least 73 g
    Carbs - no more than 24

    Having a little difficulty getting in all my protein, but I've still lost 11 lbs in less than a week. I haven't felt this good in a long time. Much more energy, feel more alert, sleeping better.

    There will always be those that say to just eat at a deficit. I certainly have tried to do that, but all that did was make me hungry, sluggish and seeing no progress.

    I eat more of the things I enjoy, eat more calories than I usually eat, feel satisfied and am seeing the scale go down. I couldn't ask for much more.
