Why do people insist on....



  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I agree.

    However with my job I need to be reachable at all times so I will be on the treadmill doing emails pretty much the whole time with my iPhone... I'm sure it looks funny but it sure passes the time :)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Note to self. Next time you see Gillian at the gym, give her a big hug after cardio.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    haha gross! just gross! i don't need your sweat nasty self! I'm already a sweating machine lol
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Mobile phones are banned in my gym, unless your using it as an iPod or similar.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I take my phone to the gym with me in the event of an emergency, but I ALWAYS turn it off before I walk in. I refuse to take phone calls while I'm working out. I've even had people call the GYM'S phone number looking for me. I'm not kidding. People have actually looked up the gym's phone number, called to find out if I was there, and asked to speak to me ... who does that?

    But this is part of the problem with the cell phone culture. We are so accustomed to being able to reach people 24/7, no matter where we are and no matter where THEY are, so people now seem to think it's acceptable to call every phone number they can get their hands on to track someone down just to ask them if they want to go have drinks or catch a movie. It's ridiculous. If I don't answer my home phone or cell phone and I don't return your call right away, that should be a pretty good indicator that I'm busy.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I take my phone to the gym with me in the event of an emergency, but I ALWAYS turn it off before I walk in. I refuse to take phone calls while I'm working out. I've even had people call the GYM'S phone number looking for me. I'm not kidding. People have actually looked up the gym's phone number, called to find out if I was there, and asked to speak to me ... who does that?

    But this is part of the problem with the cell phone culture. We are so accustomed to being able to reach people 24/7, no matter where we are and no matter where THEY are, so people now seem to think it's acceptable to call every phone number they can get their hands on to track someone down just to ask them if they want to go have drinks or catch a movie. It's ridiculous. If I don't answer my home phone or cell phone and I don't return your call right away, that should be a pretty good indicator that I'm busy.

    If someone called the gym looking for me...it better be because someone is dead. WTF?
  • shawnalmil
    mine is a no cell phone policy on the machines.
  • mamastuck
    I am guilty Im a workaholic. Grocery doesnt bother me their job is to check my grocerys not have a conversation. Im such a ***** when it comes to this. I work 24/7 nonstop so Im doing my job let them do theirs
  • ME02134
    I dont have a problem with people texting or e-mailing it's just when you start hearing peoples life stories while working out. On Thanksgiving there was only like 10 people at the gym because most people dont make it to the gym on holidays and this lady was walking around doing weights on her phone...She was just making it more complicated for herself because she would do one arm with a dumbell and then switch and do the other arm as she ranted about her Thanksgiving plans. I'm not even sure if she was counting her reps. It was just strange to me. Like why not have that convo on the way to the gym or on the way home? Maybe it was too long because when I left she was still going on and on.

    I use my iPhone to listen to when I run and I really wish there was an option to enable calls because it's the WORST when you're on your last mile and someone calls and the song goes off and all you hear is your annoying ring tone. It totally changes my focus and I never answer it anyways!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I don't miss that about the gym at all! Another thing that drove me nuts were the women who would come up there with their hair all nice and done make up, the whole deal...made no sense to me. I guess some people don't have to go to the gym and break a sweat.

    We had 1 person that would not wipe the machines down grrrr he worked there as well. In the gym i went to u have to have a induction b4 u can use it, u get told u have to get a paper towel & spray & wipe the thing u use after each time.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Let me preface this by saying I never, ever talk on my iPhone in the gym. never. But I do take it with me. That way if my kids need to reach me, I am available. My ringer is never turned on, and if it vibrates, I reject the call, step outside (after wiping down the machine I was on) and have the conversation outside the gym. It's just common courtesy. I use it as my iPod, and if I am on the exercise bike, etc I might check email, facebook or text to help pass the time. But talking on it. NEVER!

    Same thing for a checkout line. I never talk on the phone while I am in a checkout like. That's just disrespectful. The same thing should go both ways though. Not long ago I was checking out and the cashier had to stop every few seconds to answer text messages on her phone. UGH!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Let me preface this by saying I never, ever talk on my iPhone in the gym. never. But I do take it with me. That way if my kids need to reach me, I am available. My ringer is never turned on, and if it vibrates, I reject the call, step outside (after wiping down the machine I was on) and have the conversation outside the gym. It's just common courtesy. I use it as my iPod, and if I am on the exercise bike, etc I might check email, facebook or text to help pass the time. But talking on it. NEVER!

    Same thing for a checkout line. I never talk on the phone while I am in a checkout like. That's just disrespectful. The same thing should go both ways though. Not long ago I was checking out and the cashier had to stop every few seconds to answer text messages on her phone. UGH!!!

    for sure i take mine with me too, but there is no way i'm going to yap to my bff on it while i'm hurling down the stationary bike's abyss to no where...it's for emergency only...
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Let me preface this by saying I never, ever talk on my iPhone in the gym. never. But I do take it with me. That way if my kids need to reach me, I am available. My ringer is never turned on, and if it vibrates, I reject the call, step outside (after wiping down the machine I was on) and have the conversation outside the gym. It's just common courtesy. I use it as my iPod, and if I am on the exercise bike, etc I might check email, facebook or text to help pass the time. But talking on it. NEVER!

    Same thing for a checkout line. I never talk on the phone while I am in a checkout like. That's just disrespectful. The same thing should go both ways though. Not long ago I was checking out and the cashier had to stop every few seconds to answer text messages on her phone. UGH!!!

    Oh hell no. See, I would have beat her *kitten*. :noway:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    and as a former cashier, i agree, it is totally disrespectful to go through a check out on your cell phone. I am not a robot, i could use a smile or a "hey"...even if i'm on the other end of the phone and someone's going through a check out, i immediately hang up on them, once they call me back i'll give 'em hell for being rude...
  • nothing chaps my @ss more than when people don't wipe off their machines...especially when i'm STANDING RIGHT THERE!:noway:

    Agreed!!! Drives me f'n crazy!!!! I wipe the machines before I use them now because I don't trust that everyone has wiped them off lol
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    when I went to the gym I would text while on the elliptical. Really though it helps time pass by. Sometimes I would lose track of time and work an extra 15 mins on the elliptical. =)

    I have my phone set on silent while working out though so the vibrating sound won't annoy anyone.

    My friends and family use know when I'm at the gym when I post it on Facebook lol
  • tater8589
    Yesterday while I was grocery shopping this lady was behind me in line on the phone going on and on about life and crap. She was trying to unload her groceries and talk and laugh and be merry. I cashed out and was walking off and she continued on the phone while the cashier was checking her out.

    I don't know why it made me angry. I wanted to punch her in the face. Dramatic much? :bigsmile:

    But for the love of pete and sam, if you are being helped get off your mother effin' cell phone and be polite.

    /end rant

    Apparently I needed to say it. :laugh:

    I completely agree with you. If I get a call when I'm in line or really if I'm out in a public place I try to keep it short or make the caller hold while I talk to people who are actually infront of me. When I worked retail, I would ignore customers that had a phone glued to their ear... it is very rude.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I have my phone set on silent while working out though so the vibrating sound won't annoy anyone.
    I keep mine in my pocket or lap so when it vibrates, it's noiseless, but even when people on the machines next to me have a phone vibrating and I can hear it, I at least know they respect those around them enough to turn the ringer off.

    But what IS noisy, and annoys the h3ll out of me, is stompers. Stompers on the treadmill. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Really? you really have to stomp that hard? Out of about 18 treadmills, there is always at least one stomper on them. Drives me insane.
  • tater8589
    I take my phone to the gym with me in the event of an emergency, but I ALWAYS turn it off before I walk in. I refuse to take phone calls while I'm working out. I've even had people call the GYM'S phone number looking for me. I'm not kidding. People have actually looked up the gym's phone number, called to find out if I was there, and asked to speak to me ... who does that?

    But this is part of the problem with the cell phone culture. We are so accustomed to being able to reach people 24/7, no matter where we are and no matter where THEY are, so people now seem to think it's acceptable to call every phone number they can get their hands on to track someone down just to ask them if they want to go have drinks or catch a movie. It's ridiculous. If I don't answer my home phone or cell phone and I don't return your call right away, that should be a pretty good indicator that I'm busy.

    WOW :noway: That is unacceptable. The only call I would accept from the gym is an emergency or work (which would be really really important if they called me there, plus technically I'm still at work since I haven't left base) But that has never happened. I rarely ever take my phone in with me and it stays in my locker... I don't have and Iphone so I use an ipod while I workout. I'm so glad phones aren't an issue at my gym... I think its an unspoken military rule that you don't take calls unless its at the front desk.
  • bellanean
    I leave my phone in my locker when I work out. I noticed when I text on it I don't work out as hard and theres no way I would let anyone hear me huffing and puffing on the phone!!

    BUT i am guilty of talking when I am checking out, I still say hi , thanks and bye, but I have been working with the public for 6 years and people are on their phones all the time, If I need to talk to them I dont wait, I just talk. I work as a teller and Ill count out their money to them while they are talking. I dont let it bother me.