over-did it and I feel horrible!

Was doing excellent until the last hour.. I feel horrible and disgusting that I let myself get to this point.. I won't even let myself track my intake because i'm ashamed of seeing it.. need some support! =/ I know, it's just a day, but it really adds up.. bleh.


  • MartiWillett
    MartiWillett Posts: 103 Member
    tomorrow is another day!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I had one of those last night...I ate like i've never seen food...you feeling disgusting is a testimant to how well you've been doing...i bet you ate less than normal too...just relax, drink some peppermint tea to settle your belly
  • MalabarDietClub
    Don't starve yourself too much on the days where you do diet. There's no use losing a few kg a week for a few weeks and then quitting.
    Change your diet to make it sustainable for you, so that you feel you could eat like it for the rest of your life.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    Sorry you are feeling bad. We all have those moments, but don't give up.

    And if you track it, it will make it real and help you from repeating the same mistake. Be responsible and accoutable to yourself.

    And you'll do better tomorrow.

    I wish you the best.

    - Eva
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    Hey! It happens :). I didn't really track anything during thanksgiving because I was just too embarrassed. Today I have had 2 full size candy bars within about an hour of each other. Needless to say it' not one of my finer moments. Get some exercise in and relax...it happens. :)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Oh, honey, don't feel bad. We all do it. As a matter of fact, I am already over on calories for the day thanks to a holiday lunch (which was lovely and delicious) and the fudge I made for a school function this afternoon. I'm nauseous from all the sugar but am about to go make dinner. Tomorrow is another day-make better choices, drink tons of water and get a great workout in. Don't beat yourself up!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Use it as positive motivation to stay the course in the future.

    I'd suggest logging it all as well. Not logging it won't make it not have happened, while logging it may help you prevent it from happening again.

    It's a life time change, it's impossible to be 100% perfect 100% of the time your entire life. It's the long run that matters, not one little blip along the way.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    Log it all, Print it out. Draw a picture or take a photo of yourself expressing how you feel right now. Post it on your fridge, or bathroom mirror as a reminder to yourself Remember, this is YOUR JOURNEY. YOU HAVE CONTROL!! So, Exercise that power.YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
    Use it as positive motivation to stay the course in the future.

    I'd suggest logging it all as well. Not logging it won't make it not have happened, while logging it may help you prevent it from happening again.

    It's a life time change, it's impossible to be 100% perfect 100% of the time your entire life. It's the long run that matters, not one little blip along the way.

    Well said!!:smile:
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    Well your not alone. I went through all the trouble of making homemade beef veggetable soup, not making stew because that would be to fattening. So why did I eat 2 corn muffins. Oh well like someone said tomorrow is another day
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Personally, I'm so grateful that I feel like crap when I over-do it now. When I was eating crappy every day... a big burger or Italian hoagie used to make me feel SOOO good, I couldn't even contemplate not eating it every day, I was truly food addicted. But after 3 months of putting nothing but the best into my body, if I overdo it, or go off the rails, I really pay for it that night or the next day and it makes me not want to go back and do it again.
  • ccrawshaw
    ccrawshaw Posts: 166 Member
    I see things a little differently. Yes, you feel gross. Yes, you overdid it. BUT you got it outta your system, which will enable you to continue on your diet tomorrow and keep losing weight. PLUS I am a firm believer that if you maintain too much monotony in your life, that is why people plateau. If you "shake it up" every once in a while (i.e. spike your calories higher than normal), it will cause your metabolism to accelerate to counteract the extra calories. Then when you back off again tomorrow, your metabolism is still 'hauling *kitten*'. :) I usually go over 600 or 700 calories once a month and a few hundred 2 or 3 times in between and not only am I still with it, I'm losing exactly what my goal is. Chin up! You're still here with the rest of us and that's what counts!!
  • mariasheehan
    Hey everyone goes through this... I'm almost always over my calories, but am still losing (slowly). I really believe that telling yourself you 'can't have something' makes you want to binge. I eat goodies all the time in moderation. Even when I have super bad days and gorge myself, I still log it. Because the only person I'm fooling is myself. Dust yourself off and remember tomorrow is another day, don't beat yourself up, your actively trying to make a difference to your life and I applaud you for that.

    Stick with it, you'll be fine and you're doing just great.

  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You'll be fine! Remember:


    As long as you pick yourself up and get back on the road, you didn't do permanent damage. Just get back up now, don't need to wait till tomorrow or the weekend, or Monday. You're overindulgence is already behind you - keep on moving away - don't look back!!