Has anyone totally fallen off the wagon and then succeeded?



  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    Yep! Lost about 16kg in the first half 2012, then moved to a new country and became a student living on stress, alcohol and starbucks with very little time to sort out a new exercise routine after I badly injured my ankle, so gained 20kg over the next year.

    I'm now 9kgs down this year. For me it was all about recognising what caused my bad habits and working gradually to change that in a sustainable way. I still have mini falling off the wagons, but I don't beat myself up about it. You dust yourself off, keep the end goal in sight and keep going, learning each time what it was that triggered falling back into bad habits. Changing this takes time and patience, but you get there as long as you don't give up.
  • angelb1983
    angelb1983 Posts: 160 Member
    I am in the same situation. In the beginning I weighed 240 then lost to 165, got pneumonia, did not exercise till it was over but never back to the same level and gained gradually back up to 205 then lost down to 180 only to be where I am today at 205 again. I really need to have more consistency.
    I agree with one of the previous posters that said log regardless. I did that last week for a few days and it was a rude awakening. It made me evaluate why I was really eating, and I found that I tend to eat when I am sad, or mad. I have to learn to do something else during these times....
    I am so hard on myself. I look at where I used to be and get discouraged. I can't hardly even stand to look in the mirror anymore. I was one that tracked EVERYTHING and NEVER went over, and now I can't seem to stay in calorie limits even though Im eating BMR.
    Anyway, I feel good seeing that others have been in this situation and have forced their way through it and came out ahead. Thank you for starting this thread :)
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    Do you see what year i joined? do you see my weight ticker? yeah thats right... it happens to all of us
    But the important part is I'm back (again) and ready to do it ... a (what i feel like) better way than last time
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Yep setbacks happen. Back in 2012 I had lost about 27kg and then got ill. I mean bed bound ill. I regained all over the following two years learning to walk again and struggling with the disability I now have. But I decided last month that I would try again. I've lost 8kg now and while I have a long way to go to get back to where I was I'll get there. Life throws challenges at you. My whole life has changed.

    But I'll get there.
    So will all of you
    And I wish every single one of you luck on your journey you can all do this.
    Things happen
    But then we wouldnt be the people we are today
    Good luck
    Much love. xx
  • Luciano500
    Luciano500 Posts: 36 Member
    I just gained pretty much all the weight I lost. So let's get back to business and lose weight, shall we?
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    Ive fallen off the wagon so many times. The point of it is to get back on the wagon